Keepers Gate Forest school holiday club

Forest fun for HAF children and private

Mentored by

Keepers Gate Forest School

Absorbed in our natural environment

Organisation links
Location address: Weston-super-Mare, BS24 9ND
Chosen age group:

Ages: 4 - 11 years

Available tickets:
max 8 days per child Free
Next date: Tuesday 30th Jul,
Funded by North Somerset Council
Universal holiday club with SEND support
What we'll do
Universal Provision Before booking sessions please read guidance on qualification available on the North Somerset Council HAF web pages We all have so much fun at holiday club. Learning new skills and building self-confidence as we climb, navigate, build and explore in the natural world. You learn to use tools to whittle sticks, create objects out of stumps of wood. Use saws, drills and hammers and let your creativity flow! We all love to build dens and with team work and perseverance we make the most amazing dens and structures in the woodland and field. Our woodland has lots of wild animals that we observe using night cameras, like badgers, foxes and deer. In the day we find lots of insects and watch the birds flying about happily. Throughout the day we will offer snacks and food. First we start with a hot chocolate round the fire and a toasted marsh mellow! We then have a mid-morning snack of fruit and biscuits. Lunch is cooked on the fire place with lots of different meals; baked potatoes, pasta, toasted sandwiches and pizzas!
About your mentor
Keepers Gate Forest School
Absorbed in our natural environment
Our ethos is to encourage children to explore and be at one with nature, spend uninterrupted time outdoors, immersed in the natural world. What better place could there be than here at forest school, in 30 acres of beautiful woodland and fields, looking out over the sea! The holiday club remains child-led. Yes, we have a routine of sitting round the fire, drinking hot chocolate and eating marsh mellows, which everyone loves, and then we all go into the woodland to explore. This is where the children come alive, climbing trees, playing hide and seek, building dens, navigating new pathways, making new friends and looking after each other. We may then venture into the field, play games, sing songs, do cart wheels, chase each other, look for mini beasts, or just lie in the grass looking up at the sky. If the wind blows, we may get the kite out!
Extra information
We are an outdoor provision so everyone needs to dress accordingly. Depending on the weather children must have; • Waterproof coat, please make sure it is warm, lined. Waterproof trousers are a must. • Walking boots or wellies. Trainers if it is dry. No DAPS OR SHOES WITHOUT GRIP. This is a safety hazard as we are walking across rough terrain and can easily slip and fall if the right footwear is not worn. • Layers- T’shirt, long sleeved top, fleece, jumper, then coat. WOOLLY HAT, GLOVES, SNOOD if the weatheris still cold. • Trousers/track suit bottoms/tights, NO JEANS these can be very restricting in movement. NO SHORTS- there are brambles and nettles in the woodland. If your child has long hair, please tie it back as it can be a hazard when using tools (bow saws, hand drills). Please do not dress your child in new expensive clothes. We are not responsible for clothing. We are exploring the woodland daily, there are brambles, trees to climb over and under and lots of mud! PLEASE BRING A SPARE SET OF CLOTHES If it is warm, please supply sun-cream in a labelled bottle. Food WE HAVE A NO NUT POLICY. We will provide snacks during the day. Please let us know if your child has any allergies or intolerances. You can put this information on the Child Information Form.
Learning aim
Aim 1
To make new friends and learn life-long skills in the natural environment
HAF criteria
Understanding Free School Meals for Children in the UK In the UK, there are two primary types of free school meals available for children: Universal Free School Meals Benefits Related Free School Meals 1. Universal Free School Meals Universal Infant Free School Meals are provided for all children in reception year, year 1, and year 2. These meals are automatically available to children upon entering reception and continue until the end of year 2. Parents do not need to apply for these meals as they are granted universally to all eligible children within these school years. 2. Benefits Related Free School Meals Benefits Related Free School Meals are available for children from families receiving certain qualifying benefits. Unlike Universal Free School Meals, these require parents or guardians to apply. Besides providing meals during the school term, qualifying children also gain access to funded Holiday Activities and Food (HAF) sessions, ensuring they receive nutritious meals even during school holidays. Families can determine their eligibility for Benefits Related Free School Meals by visiting the North Somerset Council website.
Pricing information
Ticket namemax 8 days per child
Where we'll be
Keepers Gate Forest School, Wentwood Drive, Weston-super-Mare, North Somerset, BS24 9ND
Enhanced DBS
Risk Assessment
Public Liability Insurance
Safeguarding Training
First Aid Training
First Aid Kit

Please note

Please note, it is the responsibility of the booker to satisfy themselves about the adequacy of the safety measures. This platform is merely an introducer and does not verify the items listed here.

Cancellation Policy
Free bookings do not require refunds but as places are limited, please cancel if you cannot attend so that your place can be offered to someone else.Private paying parents are asked for full payment 1 month prior holiday club. Once paid this is non-refundable.

My experience consists of a leisure activity, on a specific date(s), and therefore the 14-day ‘cooling off period’ under the Consumer Contracts Regulations 2013 does not apply.

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