A SUMMARYThe true story of the nutty Universe, crazy planet Earth, chaotic evolution and lucky old You!
In 12 Zoom sessions, Wednesday March 5 - May 21 from 2.00pm. Sessions 1 hour each
or 12 Zoom sessions, Wednesday March 5 - May 21 from 4.00pm. Sessions 1 hour each
"Are we nearly there yet?" is what floats out from the back seat towards the end of a long journey. We have been on a very long journey - 14 billion years - and there have been many adventures. We experience the best of them in 12 Zoom presentations. Richard tells the story, chapter by chapter, on Powerpoint. Then there will be Q&A, games, chats and experiments, based around the week's main themes.
This telling of the story isn’t packed with facts, but it gives an overview of the processes that formed life, the Universe, and everything. Schools teach the ‘what’ and ‘when’, this will show you the ‘why’ and ‘how’.
I've designed it for 8-13 year-old kids who aren't necessarily sciency, but who might enjoy having a rollercoaster ride for 14 billion years, bouncing around space, stars and oceans, and finally exploring the planet, top to bottom. By the end they'll know how the 'rollercoaster' rolls - that'll be the science! (Each chapter is summarised below)
You will get your ZOOM instructions each week.
This is a family event, and at least one adult is expected to be present - they have an important role to play in explaining some things to the child, and especially in asking questions. (The questions are the best bit!)
All family members can participate for the cost of 1 ticket.
Coming late? Tickets are £13.78, but the price drops each week, pro rata, so you only pay for the weeks that remain. Check it each week!
Catch-up videos are available to all participants.
If you haven't received your 'ticket' (Zoom link) by the day before, please check junk folder before contacting Richard on Richard@BrightonScience.com
Tickets sales will finish at 7.00 am, before the sessions.
Follow on www.BrightonScience.com
Full summary of each week's event:
The narrative flies through 10 billion years of stars growing and exploding, with you in the middle of them, until you end up, dazed and exhausted, on a giant rock which is too small to become a star (good - nice and safe) spinning round a star which is too small to explode (even safer). The rock is Earth and the star is the Sun.
(Theme: how gravity made the Universe)
Chapter two : LIFE
Early Earth is almost molten. You are on an erupting volcano, two miles under water. This is the perfect place to make life: it's so crazy and chaotic. And so is the thing you become: DNA. You become the first cell; the mother of all cells on the planet animals, plants, fungi, bacteria and everything. Scientists call you the Last Universal Common Ancestor LUCA
(Theme: how life began)
Chapter three: EVOLUTION
You are constantly breaking and re-building your DNA (thats life), but you are pretty chaotic in the way you rebuild, so your copies tend to be different (thats evolution). You evolve the power of movement: you are Flagellate.
(Theme: evolution)
Chapter four: COMPETITION
You and your family of flagellates team up with a sheet of cells and together you become the next big thing: multicellular life. The sheet rolls into a tube; the flagella on the inside waft lunch along the tube, and those on the outside swim you towards supper. You are now an eating machine. Your new name is Worm.
(Theme: how multi-celled life evolved)
Chapter five: COOPERATION
This is a break from the story: the tale of the Portuguese man'o'war, the missing link between single-celled creatures and the complex life we see today.
(Theme: natural selection)
Another explosion: the Cambrian Explosion - an explosion of life. You evolve to become Fish. Everyone else evolves a great need to eat you. As you try to escape them you stare wistfully at the empty land at the edge of the ocean, and wonder...
(Theme: competition and how the modern body plan originated)
Chapter seven: LIFE ON LAND
Evolving into a land animal is perhaps the most monumental task, but soon you have four sturdy legs. In no time you are once more on the menu, this time a dinosaur menu. More evolution turns you into Mammal, so you can be awake during the cold nights, while the dinosaurs are asleep.
(Theme: intelligence)
Chapter eight: HOW TO MAKE A HUMAN
Your clever mammalian brain is your secret weapon. Teaming up with other mammals, you combine brains to be come a 'super-organism': a herd or tribe. Soon you are Human, ready for adventures.
(Theme: family, cooperation and empathy)
In just 100,000 years you spread from a corner of Africa to everywhere, coping with all the different climates and conditions by a mixture of evolution and invention.
Then you invent farming: another explosion, this time a foodie explosion of your own making. And the rest is history, up to the present day.
(Theme: creativity and invention)
Chapter ten – HIGH SOCIETY
Your tribe grows. Through 'social evolution' it becomes a society. As it expands it meets neighbouring societies. Through conflict and cooperation it becomes a nation.
(Theme: the modern world)
Chapter eleven – YOU AND THEM
You contain two different Yous: your parent's You - a mixture of their shuffled DNA - and the You that was installed in you by society (including your parents): language, clothing, beliefs, biases. Those two are not exactly the same, so sometimes there are arguments. This is good; it's how 'social evolution' works.
(Theme: nature and nurture)
Chapter twelve – ALL YOUR ODDITIES
Your history is written all through you, from the monkey tail at the bottom of your spine, to the flagellum which every cell still retains. Here you will find an answer for all your oddities – yawning, goose bumps, cancer, viruses, ear waggling, sleep falling, hiccups, etc.
(Theme: a recap, though with a difference!)
Note: Throughout, we dip into quite a lot of curriculum areas - all the 'ologies' - cosmology, geology, biology, zoology, palaeontology, anthropology, archaeology, technology, ecology, sociology, psychology…
For those with an allergy to 'ology', I share your pathology! I have learned all that science stuff, but I speak in plain English, nice and clear. You will find, I hope, that complicated ideas can be explained in simple ways.