Portsmouth Short Breaks Innovation Fund
What we doThese Innovation Fund activities are for young people who are between 11 - 25 years old with SEN & SEMH needs who are not currently eligible for other Short Breaks funding. Activities will be available during school holidays, weekends and after school until 31 March 2025. The programme is targeting young people from Southampton and Portsmouth in the following 6 pathways:- Pre 16 SEN (11-16 Special Educational Needs) Post 16 SEN (16-25 Special Educational Needs) Pre 16 SEMH (11-16 Social, Emotional, Mental Health Difficulties) Post 16 SEMH (16-25 Social, Emotional, Mental Health Difficulties) Pre 16 (11-16) Pupils at risk of Permanent Exclusion (Pex) and/or have been excluded at least once within the last 12 months Young people on the CAMHS waiting list and for whom the Neurodiversity Profiling Tool (ND Profiling Tool) has been completed with attendance below 90%.