Patterns of the Planets: The Dance of Earth and Venus and other heavenly harmonies.

Location address: SAOG Studios, Emerson College, Forest Row
Chosen age group:

Ages: 18+ years

Available tickets:
Standard £385
Next date: None - Register your interest
Guest contributors to include Tom Bree, John Martineau, Adam Tetlow John Wadsworth, Hartmut Warm The Dance of Earth and Venus results in one of the most beautiful and breathtaking rhythms and patterns of the solar system. Every eight Earth years (13 Venus years) they dance a pentagonal form in space akin to the pip-star inside your apple or the petals of a primrose flower! During this course we will learn how to draw this incredible pattern using the traditional tools of compass and straight-edge; we will explore the key aspects of Earth and Venus' cycles that determine such extraordinary heavenly harmony. And time allowing ... with copper leaf and watercolour paint made from malachite and azurite - which in the Hermetic/Alchemical tradition have forever been associated with the planet Venus - we will create stunning mandalas embodying the Earth/Venus dance. Times may vary. Evening talks and events will feature during the week. ------------------------------------------------------ Participants requiring accommodation/meals may contact Emerson College directly for details and availability: Telephone: +44 (0)1342 822238 Web: Alternatively, for a list of local B&B/Hotel options and a wide range of Airbnb options are also available locally, please contact the mentor using the purple 'Contact Mentor' button. SAOG Studios is 20 min. by car/taxi from Gatwick Airport and an hour (approx) from London Victoria by train.
About your mentor
Sacred Art of Geometry Studios
Sacred Geometry: Research/Education
Daniel Docherty is co-founder and senior tutor at SAOG Studios, Emerson College and a visiting tutor at The Prince's Foundation School of Traditional Arts, London. Daniel is particularly interested in how the revered quadrivium (arithmetic, geometry, music and astronomy) inform the world’s artistic and cultural traditions. He lives with his family on the glorious Ashdown Forest.
Learning aims
Aim 1
To learn how to draw this incredible pattern using the traditional tools of compass and straight-edge.
Aim 3
Learn how to use watercolour paint made from malachite and azurite.
Aim 2
To learn key aspects of Earth and Venus cycles that determine such extraordinary heavenly harmony.
Aim 4
Learn how to create stunning mandalas embodying the Earth/Venus dance.
Pricing information
Ticket nameStandard
Patterns of the Planets: The Dance of Earth and Venus and other heavenly harmonies. - image 1
Patterns of the Planets: The Dance of Earth and Venus and other heavenly harmonies. - image 2
Patterns of the Planets: The Dance of Earth and Venus and other heavenly harmonies. - image 3
Patterns of the Planets: The Dance of Earth and Venus and other heavenly harmonies. - image 4
Patterns of the Planets: The Dance of Earth and Venus and other heavenly harmonies. - image 5
Patterns of the Planets: The Dance of Earth and Venus and other heavenly harmonies. - image 6
Patterns of the Planets: The Dance of Earth and Venus and other heavenly harmonies. - image 7
Patterns of the Planets: The Dance of Earth and Venus and other heavenly harmonies. - image 8
Patterns of the Planets: The Dance of Earth and Venus and other heavenly harmonies. - image 9
Where we'll be
SAOG Studios, Emerson College, Hartfield Road, Forest Row, East Sussex, RH18 5JX
Public Liability Insurance
First Aid Training
First Aid Kit
Smoke Detector

Please note

Please note, it is the responsibility of the booker to satisfy themselves about the adequacy of the safety measures. This platform is merely an introducer and does not verify the items listed here.

Cancellation Policy
No refunds are given except in the case of a cancellation by the Mentor.Please note: Places are secured on receipt of a minimum 50% course fee deposit (refundable in full up to six weeks prior to course commencement {minus admin. fee} - non-refundable thereafter) with remainder payable no later than first day of course. The course fee includes all material expenses unless otherwise stated.

My experience is an educational activity and the 14-day cooling-off period under the Consumer Contracts Regulations 2013 therefore applies. After the 14 day period my standard policy will apply.

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