Measham Leisure Centre

Be Active

Location address: Swadlincote, DE12 7HR
Chosen age group:

Ages: 5 - 14 years

Available tickets:
Free HAF ticket Free
Next date: None - Register your interest
Funded by Leicestershire County Council
Universal holiday club
A summary
#HAF2024 Activate Camps is the leading provider of active and inspiring childcare across the UK. Over the last 18 years we’ve had over 165,000 children attend our courses! Since 2021, Activate delivered more than 50 HAF Camps across 11 Local Authorities nationwide, providing over 20000 places to free school meal eligible children. Multi Activity Camps are for children aged 5-14 years old who want to have fun during the school holidays! Our Multi Activity Camps offer a fun, flexible, holiday childcare solution. Every camp is packed full of a combination of sports, activity, arts and crafts, games, and challenges. During a week of camp, children can expect to take part in football, dodgeball, basketball, hockey, wide games, tennis, parachute games and much more. We run energisers at the start of each day, allowing the whole camp to get warm and ready for the day. Following the energiser, children will be placed into groups for their day of activities which will largely follow a carousel to allow every child to experience every part of the day including physical, enriching and nutritional elements. Our enriching activities range from specific arts and crafts sessions, narrated sports activities through to external providers delivering unique sessions. On camp you can expect to take part in salt painting, pasta games, seed planting and lots more arts and crafts sessions including colouring and painting each week. Typical meals on offer: Sausage and mash with runner beans and carrots. Roast Chicken with roast potatoes, broccoli and sweetcorn. Spaghetti Bolognese with salad. Fish fingers and chips with peas or beans. Water is available throughout the day, children must bring their own drink bottle. Children need to come dressed for being active and running around. They must have a refillable drinks bottle with them to use for their time on camp.
About your mentor
Activate Camps
The leading provider of holiday camps!
Activate Camps is the leading provider of active and inspiring childcare across the UK.  OVER THE LAST 18 YEARS WE’VE HAD OVER 160,000 CHILDREN ATTEND OUR COURSES! Active and Inspiring! Activate Camps is the leading provider of active and inspiring sport specific and multi activity childcare camps in the UK. Over the last 18 years we have entertained over 160,000 children on our camps. Each year we operate over 150 camps across the UK, delivering multi activity camps, together with specific sports courses including The Cricket Academy and Netball Fever. On many of our sport specific camps we work with current and former athletes who want to inspire the next generation. You’ll find all the athletes we work with visiting courses over the school holidays, giving children a unique opportunity to meet sporting role models and learn from them first hand. If it isn’t our main ambassadors themselves then some of their sporting friends will help inspire the camps. On our Multi Activity Camps, we work with fantastic partners to deliver exciting and engaging themes to make sure every camp is packed full of fun. We provide a unique childcare service for parents, combining sport, activities, sporting role models and challenges. We are more than just holiday camps; we are “Active and Inspiring Childcare”. Safe and approved. We are dedicated to the safety of all our children, staff and parents. We are Ofsted registered, which means every camp adheres to and often exceeds Ofsted’s holiday camps best practice. We employ qualified instructors who have a wealth of experience in childcare and sports provision. The care of every child is at the heart of everything we do. We are industry leaders in the risk management and incident reporting processes for our camps. Over the past 6 years we have implemented Proactive Risk Management across all our camps ensuring that risk management and incident reporting is a company wide concern and not simply left to staff on site.
Privacy notice
Leicestershire Holiday Activities and Food Programme - Privacy/Fair Processing Notice Information The Holiday Activities and Food Programme is funded by the Department for Education to support children who usually receive free school meals during term time and is co-ordinated by Leicestershire County Council. The details you have given on your application form will be shared with Leicestershire County Council and the Department for Education. Any personal data that you provide will be processed in accordance with current data protection laws. It will be used by Leicestershire County Council and our partners to deliver and monitor the programme, improve services and fulfil our legal duties. We will not disclose any personal information to anyone else unless required or allowed to do so by law. Read more about how we use personal data in our privacy notice on our website: What is the holiday activities and food programme (“the programme”)? This holiday provision is for school aged children from reception to year 11 (inclusive) who receive benefits-related free school meals. Benefits-related free school meals (FSM) are available to pupils if their parents are in receipt of one of the qualifying benefits, and have a claim verified by their school or local authority. Local authorities also have discretion to use up to 15% of their funding to provide free or subsidised holiday club places for children who are not in receipt of benefits-related free school meals but who the local authority believe could benefit from HAF provision. Who we are This programme is being funded through local authorities by the Department for Education (DfE). For the purpose of data protection legislation, DfE and local authorities are data controllers for the personal data processed as part of the programme when it is supplied to them. How we will use your information If your child has attended a HAF-funded place at a holiday club, DfE receives the personal data about your child from the organisation funded to deliver the programme and / or your local authority. The information is used to so we can better understand who is being reached by the programme and use this evidence to support local authorities reaching disadvantaged children in need of support during the holidays. We will also use the information to evaluate the success of the programme and build a case for future funding. More information about the aim of this programme is published on our website page at GOV.UK: The nature of your personal data we will be using The categories of your personal data that we will be collecting for this programme are: · Pupil name · Date of birth · Free School Meal status · Home postcode · School name and local authority area · Unique Pupil Identifier · Whether classed as vulnerable Why our use of your personal data is lawful In order for our use of your personal data to be lawful, DfE needs to meet one (or more) conditions in the data protection legislation. For the purpose of this project, the relevant condition is Article 6(1)(e) UK General Data Protection Regulation to perform a public task as part of our function as a department. Where we process Special Category data, we will only do so where we meet conditions under Articles 9(1)(g) (substantial public interest) or 9(2)(j) (archiving, research and statistics). Who we will make your personal data available to We sometimes need to make personal data available to other organisations. These might include contracted partners (who we have employed to process your personal data on our behalf) and/or other organisations (with whom we need to share your personal data for specific purposes). Where we need to share your personal data with others, we ensure that this data sharing complies with data protection legislation. For the purpose of this programme we will publish the names of any organisations with whom we need to share your personal data on our website page (see website link above). How long we will keep your personal data DfE will keep your personal data for the purposes described above for up to one year. We may keep the minimum necessary for longer where it is processed solely for archiving purposes in the public interest, scientific or historical research purposes or statistical purposes in accordance with Article 89(1) of the UK GDPR subject to implementation of the appropriate technical and organisational measures required by this Regulation in order to safeguard your rights and freedoms. Your data protection rights More information about how the DfE handles personal information is published here: Under the Data Protection Act 2018, you are entitled to ask if we hold information relating to you and ask for a copy, by making a ‘subject access request’. For further information and how to request your data, please use the ‘contact form’ in the Personal Information Charter at: under the ‘How to find out what personal information we hold about you’ section. If you need to contact us regarding any of the above, please do so via the DfE site at: Further information about your data protection rights appears on the Information Commissioner’s website at: Individual rights | ICO. Last updated We may need to update this privacy notice periodically so we recommend that you revisit this information from time to time. This version was last updated on 22 February 2023. Contact information If you have any questions about how your personal information will be used, please contact us at and enter Holiday and activity programme as a reference. For the Data Protection Officer (DPO) please contact us via and mark it for the attention of the ‘DPO’.
Pricing information
Ticket nameFree HAF ticket
Where we'll be
22 Measham Leisure Centre, High Street, Swadlincote, Leicestershire, DE12 7HR

Please note

Please note, it is the responsibility of the booker to satisfy themselves about the adequacy of the safety measures. This platform is merely an introducer and does not verify the items listed here.

Cancellation Policy
Free bookings do not require refunds but as places are limited, please cancel if you cannot attend so that your place can be offered to someone else.

My experience consists of a leisure activity, on a specific date(s), and therefore the 14-day ‘cooling off period’ under the Consumer Contracts Regulations 2013 does not apply.

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