Wolf Pack for Boys 2025
Adventurous programme for boys 13-15 years
Location address: Scaynes Hill
Chosen age group:
Ages: 13 - 15 years
Available tickets:
Standard £1300
Next date: Friday 30th May,

Wolf Pack for Boys 2025
Adventurous programme for boys 13-15 years

Location address: Scaynes Hill
Chosen age group:
Ages: 13 - 15 years
Available tickets:
Standard £1300
Next date: Friday 30th May,

Wolf Pack for Boys 2025
Adventurous programme for boys 13-15 years
Location address: Scaynes Hill
Chosen age group:
Ages: 13 - 15 years
Available tickets:
Standard £1300
Next date: Friday 30th May,
For lots of resources including videos, testimonials, pictures and FAQs, make sure you visit www.chrispacke.com.
The challenging and popular Wolf Pack returns again in 2025 for a new group of adventurous young men.
Wolf Pack is a year's journey for a tribe of boys becoming men, aged 13-15 years (academic Years 9 to 11). They take place during half terms and school holidays through the seasons, in Sussex woodland and in some of England's finest wild environments.
Risk, challenges and meaningful shared experience in the warm company of strong role models and fellow adventurers are vitally important for young people, to discover their huge capabilities, what they might stand for, and to develop a deep-seated self-reliance. Security is important for boys but its layers must be carefully removed in order for the young men to emerge. Yet the availability and encouragement of such experiences may often be limited, or crowded out by digital influences. Wolf Pack exists to facilitate deep encounters, learning through experiences in the natural world at the edge of comfort and ability, where the magic happens.
The adventure begins in the woods, travels through wild Devon moorland, steps it up further in the Peaks and culminates with a final Fire Quest.
Skills learned include bushcraft and survival skills, campcraft, navigation, foraging, nature awareness - but the beauty of quality, immersive time in nature is that it tends to offer up exactly the lesson a person needs at the time... but often does not expect.
We invite you to come and discover the vast resources already inside you, learn new skills, make new friends, discover new possibilities and perhaps take an important step or two in the journey of manhood.
THE JOURNEYS IN 2025 (13 days in total):
May 30-Jun 1 (Fri-Sun) - The Woods, Sussex: Establish the tribe, bushcraft, campcraft, firecraft, day games, night games
July 24-26 (Thurs-Sat) - The Moor, Devon: A 3-day expedition into wild Dartmoor, travelling and sleeping light, putting our skills to work
Aug 28-31 (Thurs-Sun) - The Hills, Peak District: A more challenging 4-day expedition, stepping it up from the Dartmoor experience
October 25-27 (Sat-Mon) - The Forest, Sussex: Culmination event including a Fire Quest
...and once it's all done, it's not necessarily all over. Graduates of the Wolf Pack programme (boys and girls) can choose to join the Wolf Pack All Stars mountain expedition in the Lake District in April the following year. This is a 5 day trip for age 15+, that takes their Wolf Pack experience and applies it to a bigger, higher, epic mountain trip.
- £1,300 (equivalent to £100 per day) if paid in one go
- £1,350 if paid in 4 fixed stages (£500 deposit on booking, £300 at end of February, £300 at end of March, £250 at end of April); let Chris know if you want to do it this way and he'll set it up
- PARTIALLY FUNDED PLACES: If this programme appeals to you, but feels out of reach financially, then please do not turn away. I have a patron, the Spayne Lindsay Foundation, who supports my work, and we can have a conversation about how we might be able to help. Get in touch with me and we can talk about it
- What's included: food (25 hearty meals!), accommodation, mentoring, tuition, activities, materials, group equipment
- Not included: Personal kit and travel costs. For the Devon event, an efficient option (and great fun) is to hire a minibus and drive the whole group. We would expect this to cost c.£70 per person on each occasion. For the Peak District trip, we usually travel together by train (also c. £70). Note that this travel time is not included in the indicated times for these two trips; we would be leaving early and arriving late on these days, or you can meet us there at the 4pm start time
1. Get in touch with Chris (use the 'Message Mentor' button - please make sure you leave your direct email and phone number)
2. Also check out the videos, references, testimonials, FAQs and other resources on www.chrispacke.com
3. Then it's time for a conversation between parent / guardian and Chris
4. After that, Chris meets / Zooms / speaks with the potential participant, to break the ice, and allow him to find out for himself from Chris what it's about so he can make his decision
5. Once all are happy, and the participant has decided for themselves that they want to join in, we can go ahead with the booking
- In order to be able to offer a programme like this, I require the full commitment of the participating young men (and their families). In a bonded group like Wolf Pack, an amount of synergy is lost by an individual missing one trip, and the whole group is affected, not just the absentee; each member carries a responsibility for the wider group. Participants will be able to meet or speak with Chris before committing, in order to be fully informed to make the decision.
- A degree of physical fitness is required, and a mindset to take on the various challenges. Sometimes we will be carrying our equipment on consecutive days, often over rough terrain. By design, there is some struggle
- Similarly, this programme requires a degree of social / emotional skill, and an agreed willingness to engage in such challenges, as they come hand in hand with the physical endeavour. As with the physical aspects, it is fine (and normal) to struggle at times with social aspects, however for the benefit of the individual and the group, any participant must have the capability of functioning in a group situation, and be able to engage in the spirit of the programme
- Bookings on this event are subject to Chris Packe's Terms and Conditions, available to view during the booking process and at https://chrispacke.com/terms-conditions/
There is also a video interview on Wolf Pack that you can give you more background, especially if you don't like reading things. No direct links here, so copy and paste this into your web browser:
Chris is licensed by AALA to provide adventurous hiking activities.
These are the other programmes and events I run, which can all be found here on eequ:
Adventurous programmes for teenagers and nearly-teenagers:
Wolf Pack for Girls (aged 13-16 / Year 9 - 11)
Call to Adventure for Boys (aged 11-13 / Year 8 & 9)
Wolf Pack All-Stars (5-day mountain expedition for Wolf Pack graduates)
Lively woodland camps:
Feral Fathers (dads and sons, or dads and daughters, or dads and both)
Woodland archery:
5-hour immersive sessions for private groups on request
About your mentor
Chris Packe
Wild guide
Chris spent 15 years in investment banking, followed by 10+ years in the woods. He is particularly interested in leading curious people into less familiar environments and conditions: where the emergent and unbidden may play out, and things may be seen from an alternative perspective.
This comes to life as nature-based youth mentoring programmes – year courses for young men and women such as Wolf Pack (13-15 years), Call to Adventure (12-13 years), as well as Feral Fathers (feisty weekend events for fathers and sons / daughters), adult or corporate events, and convening a monthly men’s fire circle (since 2015). In addition, he does work that is variously described as coaching, mentoring and guiding (he is a qualified mountain leader, and an archery instructor), and also sketch comedy, writing, cartooning and songwriting.
Chris also finds himself owning a piece of woodland - a place to work, experiment and often to just go to alone and sleep in. He lives in Forest Row and a teenage daughter and son.
Some testimonials
There's lots of feedback, so read as many or few as you wish!!
"Chris, I want to thank you for doing Wolf Pack with us because it was a really amazing experience and a large part of that was how you set it up (or the lack of set up) and I only really just now appreciate it fully. So just a big thanks from me for letting me and the guys have that.
So thanks SO much :)" Rocco, participant, 2022
"My son really did enjoy it so much. He's given many a detailed account to grandparents and friends of your adventures together and we really watched him grow into the experience...very very special indeed." Gus, parent, 2022
"Wolf Pack meant I was getting to be friends with people I wouldn’t normally be friends with, seeing people differently and understanding everyone is interesting in their own way. I got to see parts of England that if I saw a photo of, I wouldn’t think was England. Coming away from the challenge of being away from society, social media and stress, I felt more relaxed, calm and concentrated." Louis, participant, 2021
"Wolf Pack doesn’t talk down to the kids, it packs a punch and offered exciting opportunities which inspired my son without question. No hand holding here or safety nets, in the eyes of my son this was the real deal. We witnessed a remarkable change in our son. Liberated from the pressures of phone use and social media, he was fuelled by good, hearty conversations, fresh air and challenge.
Wolf Pack appealed to my son because a genuine mutual respect existed within the entire group. There is an authenticity in Chris which evokes trust. Chris invests patience, curiosity, a presence of being and of mind together with a wicked sense of humour which the boys love. It’s these qualities which contribute to the heart of Wolf Pack and influenced my son to love it as much as he did." Lucy, parent, 2021
"It was a challenge and I feel a great sense of achievement having completed it. Thanks Chris." Harry, participant 2021
"[My son] benefited from doing Wolf Pack in lots of different ways. Many of those were obvious and immediate - being outdoors with his peer group sleeping under the stars, cooking food around a fire and sharing experiences. Other benefits are less tangible but perhaps more profound - the growth that comes from having to dig deep physically and emotionally. In progressing through the challenges of Wolf Pack we have sensed him expand as a person, with an increase in centredness and resolve.
We were never the less than 100% confident in Chris’s ability to hold the group and share his knowledge of the outdoors, as well as encouraging inner exploration in a lighthearted and good-humoured way that was perfect for our son to engage with." Julian, parent, 2021
"We loved the idea of [my son] being influenced by great role models, and learning how to be comfortable to be himself. It’s such a perfect programme to ease them away from their gadgets and to fill them with incredible experiences. It reinforced his love of nature and he discovered wild camping. He had the chance to really test himself and to realise what he’s capable of. He picked up some fabulous skills (for life) and made some great friends. I have recommended it to many friends. I’ve told them how much [my son] has enjoyed it, what a fabulous adventure it was for him and what a great mentor you are!" Sarah, parent, 2021
"A profound and incredible experience. Chris and his team are fantastic, very helpful and supportive and the ideal men to bring new ideas to our emerging young men. 100% recommended." Diana, 2019
"The challenges were pitched just right for [my son] - he found some of the activities hard and wasn’t sure he’d be able to do them. However he was able to rise to the challenges as he was so well supported and trusted you and the other leaders who were caring and encouraging while believing in the young people. Having these positive role models showing interest in him was very powerful...Wolf Pack is unique as far as I know...There is a special atmosphere which has been very precious." Clare, parent, 2019
"From the first trip onwards, there was a noticeable difference in [my son], he developed a quiet confidence which I had not really seen before. I have already recommended the programme to several friends." Lisa, parent, 2019
"He made new friends very different from those in his school friendship group which opened his eyes to new ways of being. He had to learn the hard way to take responsibility for himself and think ahead. He was often stretched to his limit but came through both experiences stronger and proud of himself for having endured." Juliet, parent, 2019
"My son has loved this programme and all the leaders. He keeps telling me that he wishes it wasn't over. He has had so much fun on all the outdoor adventures and spending whole weekends outside. But it has also given him a great opportunity and space for reflection and reconnecting with himself."
Annette, parent, 2019
"I would most definitely recommend this programme to others - a fantastic experience for your child, I consider my son very privileged to be blessed with such amazing accomplishments and memories."
Morwenna, parent, 2019
"I felt loved and cared for, every step of the way I also was treated very maturely and I was allowed to make my own decisions on multiple occasions."
Participant, 2019
"It has positively affected his self-esteem; hes faced some challenges and become acquainted with his internal fire. When we picked him up he was literally radiant... I can still see that change in him... He already has a calmer, more centred and purposeful air about him... Chris has inspired [my son] and made a deep impression on him... The programme was pitched perfectly." Sarah, Wildwise Wolf Pack 2018
"The course has taught him new learning points in his self both in terms of his own body image and in terms of learning what he is physically capable of. He has flourished as a young man under the wing of Chris. Feeling that he could share his innermost thoughts with the leaders and safely within the group is a new experience." Shelley, Wildwise Wolf Pack 2018
"The exceptional holding and challenge created by Chris and the team will get your son through stronger and more balanced... The exceptionally high skill base and depth of experience was breathtaking and highly valuable to both me and [my son]." Cat, Wildwise Wolf Pack 2018
"The whole experience has been brilliant. [My son] has certainly been challenged and faced his fears. Hes learned skills, had adventures and been wonderfully supported through the whole thing. Hes grown in many ways... This is one of the few opportunities for boys to experience real challenge and adventure." Janet, Wildwise Wolf Pack 2018
"A challenging and uplifting journey into the natural world that triggers significant inner growth in a young person, resulting in a noticeable step up in self-awareness, self-confidence and a tremendous feeling of well-being after each event. I am hugely grateful for the mentoring and support my son received during these events, a special rapport that encouraged the best from the boys. They all have some very special experiences and memories to carry with them." Tania, Wildwise Wolf Pack 2017
Learning aims
Aim 1
Wolf Pack does not seek to prescribe any learning outcomes; there are broad aims which meet each individual differently, and these are usually best approached sidewaysAim 3
By the very nature of the programme, a wide range of physical, mental, emotional and social skills will be called upon and inevitably refined. These will be discovered and explored along the wayAim 2
Such broad aims include the development of self-reliance, a young man's expanded awareness of his capabilities, and a sense of what might be his most pressing current themes in his journey of manhoodAim 4
By the end of Wolf Pack, these young men will have equipped themselves with confidence and willpower, life skills, practical skills, broader horizons and many tales of their heroic deeds"Can I trust you?"
A number of people who join my programmes, courses and events already know me personally, or have had a previous experience with me, such as a Feral Fathers weekend or archery day, or know me by reputation.
An equal number have come across me for the first time, so I start out little more than a stranger. For many parents in this position, I fully appreciate that it can be a big deal for their child to join a multi-night course.
To address this directly, I'm setting out a few layers through which a connection and trust tends to get built ahead of an experience.
1. Background checks & qualifications
I, and all my adult staff, have the necessary Enhanced DBS checks in place, and we always have an appropriate number of staff with suitable first aid qualifications - this is a minimum.
Given the hiking / expeditionary aspect to some of my courses, my activities must be licensed by AALA (the Adventurous Activities Licensing Authority, a government body). This involves a very exacting inspection and approval of my qualifications, operating procedures and policies - which means I am held to a very high standard on an ongoing basis, on ALL of my activities.
As a qualified Mountain Leader, as well as the technical expertise, it means I have also been assessed and approved through a rigorous process on group management and welfare.
2. Direct contact
I never take 'blind' bookings on multi-day events.
It always begins with a conversation / meeting with the parent/s, to build a direct relationship and address any areas of interest or concern.
For my year programmes like Wolf Pack and Call to Adventure, I always meet or Zoom with the child involved, so they can get a accurate picture of what the experience involves, as well as getting to know me, so that they can decide for themselves whether they wish to join.
For one-off multi-day events, as well as the initial contact, group Zoom calls can also be arranged, where parents and children interested in the event can get a similar level of clarity and comfort.
Some families prefer to meet me, check me out properly, and also have an awesome time at my woodland archery range. So it is possible to have a form of 'taster' day, if an appropriate group can be assembled.
3. References from previous parents
Over the years I have had hundreds of children in my care, and therefore a lot of parents who have an opinion of me.
I have put together a pack of references from a group of parents who have booked their children on programmes I have run, which can be found on my website at https://chrispacke.com/programmes/
Furthermore, parents can go on to contact these referees directly if they wish.
The hope is that this third party view can give a solid layer of comfort to those who desire it.
I am very open to any other ways that I can address the matter of building trust ahead of booking an event, do get in touch if you need.
Pricing information
Ticket namePriceInformation
Ticket nameStandard

Where we'll be
Wapsbourne Wood, Scaynes Hill, West Sussex, RH17 7NP
Enhanced DBS
Basic DBS
Risk Assessment
Public Liability Insurance
Safeguarding Training
First Aid Training
First Aid Kit
Smoke Detector
Please note
Please note, it is the responsibility of the booker to satisfy themselves about the adequacy of the safety measures. This platform is merely an introducer and does not verify the items listed here.
Cancellation Policy
No refunds are given except in the case of a cancellation by the Mentor.This programme demands a high level of commitment from the organisers, and therefore a reciprocal level of commitment from families sending their son to join. We form a tribe and journey through the 4 experiences as a cohesive group. Absences or mid-programme cancellations are highly disruptive to the group, due to the strong bonds formed.
Before the programme starts: Once a booking is made, it means that other inquirers may need to be turned away. For cancellations before 31 January, full refunds will be given. After 31 January, no refund can be given, unless the place is filled by someone else, in which case a refund less £100 is given.
After the programme starts: No new participants are able to join, and so there can be no refunds, apart from at the Mentor's discretion.
In order to facilitate the commitment from the participant, I will meet / speak / Zoom with parents and son, to ensure that the time is indeed right, and the intention strong and clear, to participate in this programme.
After booking, I will send you brief form around health and intention. Detailed event information will be circulated in good time ahead of the event.
My experience consists of a leisure activity, on a specific date(s), and therefore the 14-day ‘cooling off period’ under the Consumer Contracts Regulations 2013 does not apply.
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