Paleo Coaching

Mentored by

Emma Goodwin

Location address: Forest Row, RH18 5DP
Chosen age group:

Ages: 8 - 18 years

Available tickets:
Standard £120
Next date: None - Register your interest
In this Paleo Cookery course we will learn about how we used to eat before the industrial agrochemical experiment that started after the 2nd world war. By the end of the course you will know how to eat to become a SUPER HUMAN . We will learn * what your 'micro-biome' is, how can you take care of it and why you need to take care of it. * how to cook quick, easy plant based meals, satisfying soups and stews and meals that keep you well. * how to make smoothies, brownies, muffins and sweet treats that leave yau feeling million dollars. This course includes cookery demonstrations, tastings and gives inspiration, motivation, and life-changing information aimed at transforming your well being. So many of us have food issues... gluten intolerance, lactose intolerance, going crazy on a sugar rush then feeling bad and reaching for more. This can cause illness. We learn to cook quick and easy recipes like Paleo Pizza, Brownies, Paleo Muffins, Green Smoothies, and the correct preparation of grains, nuts and seeds. You'll learn about alternatives to the opiates of the masses (processed carbs & sugars). This Paleo Cookery Course is brought to you by ‘Grandma Alchemy’s Kitchen’. ‘Grandma’ out of respect for our ancestral heritage, which we ignore at our peril. ‘Alchemy’ promising transformation, transmutation, renewal on a cellular level and the Kitchen is where it all happens. Our 'culture' comes from our 'agri-culture' and from culturing foods. Bread is cultured, cheese is cultured, wine and beer are cultured. Learn to make Ginger beer (non-alcoholic) and coconut yogurt and understand why it's important to eat friendly bacteria. Home made probiotics that cost a fraction of shop bought products. We will discuss how our food choices may affect farming practices, which inturn affects how we care for the land. We will learn how this can impact biodiversity and resilience in the web of life, for which we can all take responsibility. We discus Vegan, Vegetarian and Paleo choices and their impacts on our bodies, on farming systems and the environment.
About your mentor
Emma Goodwin
When your mentor provides a strapline it will go here
I became passionate about food after my family and I experienced serious illness which was greatly eased by carefully choosing the food we were eating. My presenting skills were honed at LAMDA (1986-1989) The London Academy of Music and Drama, and I played a Doctor on a medical drama for ITV in the 1990's, dramatising medical stories as a professional actress. This work made me unhappy, I realise now I was contributing to the myth that we give away responsibility for our health to the 'doctor' when the doctor's role is as an advisor, not a healer. It is now crystal clear to me that we each have tremendous healing powers, and the right food can help us find that power. Only real, clean, unadulterated food will do. That can be hard to find in todays industrialised food network. So I have learned how to grow herbs, fruits and vegetables and supply a weekly veg box scheme. I have been a Demeter Certified grower, inspected by the Biodynamic Association. I grow 'soil' and provide habitat for micro-orgnisms which is the foundation for biodiversity, that is usually absent in the massive fields of mono-cultures of our industrial agricultural systems. They say you are closer gods heart in a garden, than any where else on earth, and having worked as a gardener for over 16 years and practiced Sivananda yoga and meditation for the last 22 years, I can attest that one of the best place to reach peace and contentment is 'plugged into source' with your fingers in the earth, growing food. The next best place is in the kitchen, cooking the food with the intention of fully nourishing and cleansing the body, which is the temple of consciousness..
Learning aims
Aim 1
To put together a good meal
Aim 3
To appreciate the importance of animals in biosphere
Aim 5
To be aware of owning responsibility for health
Aim 7
To operate and clean kitchen equipment and use knives safely
Aim 2
To detect hidden poisons in 'foods'
Aim 4
To understand symbiotic relationships
Aim 6
To appreciate the sacred geometry of molecular structures in foods
Pricing information
Ticket nameStandard
Where we'll be
Tablehurst Farm, Forest Row, East Sussex, RH18 5DP
Risk Assessment
Public Liability Insurance
First Aid Training
First Aid Kit
Smoke Detector

Please note

Please note, it is the responsibility of the booker to satisfy themselves about the adequacy of the safety measures. This platform is merely an introducer and does not verify the items listed here.

Cancellation Policy
No refunds are given except in the case of a cancellation by the Mentor. I provide an online recording of a previous course so If you miss a session, it will cover the information you have missed.

My experience is an educational activity and the 14-day cooling-off period under the Consumer Contracts Regulations 2013 therefore applies. After the 14 day period my standard policy will apply.

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