Advanced Fish Skin Leather Making (UK)

Fish will never look the same again.

Your mentors

Fergus The Forager

Charissa van Eijk

Organisation links
Location address: Forest Row, FI SH2
Chosen age group:

Ages: 18+ years

Available tickets:
Advanced Fish Leather £190
Next date: Saturday 16th Nov,
What we'll do
In this full day course you will discover how to make beautiful fish skin leather utilizing a wide range of tanning agents such as flowers, leaves, stems, roots and fungi. Through discovering how to succesfully utilize such a vast range of tanning materials, this course goes far beyond (although not excluding) the traditional and well-known tanning methods using bark, eggs, brains and urine, and other ways of preserving fish skin. The course is a very hands-on and practical course. Different methods and recipes will be shown and explained in depth. Together we will make a wild range of tanning solutions. After the course you will be able to skullfully tan fish skins in different ways, and know which plants/fungi are best suited to a particular recipe and desired outcome. As well as learning how to tan fish skin in experimental and proven ways, you will also learn how to preserve your skin in the softening and drying process. You will leave with a fully tanned and softened piece of salmon leather as well as a whole salmon skin that will be on its way to becoming leather, to be finished at home. Key points covered * Foraging walk to gather materials for tannin and tanning. * Theoretical background to tanning & the history of fish skin leather. * The physiology of fish skin structure & fish species suitable for tanning. * Plants, fungi, seaweeds & lichens suitable for tanning & where to find them. * Other fish skin preservation methods: brains, eggs, urine, alcohol and glycerine, drying etc. * Preparing different tannin extracts: tips & tricks. * The tanning process (what strength & duration). * Tanning recipes. * Measuring tannin: the senses & the Barkometre. * Fleshing/scraping techniques and tools. * Softening techniques & oil/ointment selection. * Trouble-shooting.
About your mentors
Fergus The Forager
Fergus the Forager
Wild food experimentalist, course faciliator, forager, the ever-curious Fergus Drennan, aka Fergus The Forager, has been gathering and learning about wild plants, seaweeds, and fungi for over 40 years, beginning on Wimbledon Common, aged 3 years, collecting dandelions for the family’s pet tortoise. Since those early days, and through much creative and experimental exploration he has continued his foraging practice, not only as a means to understand and to discover the practical relevance that foraging has in the modern developed world, but also in terms of what it means to be an environmentally conscious human in relation to the natural world. “Can foraging ever be considered a truly sustainable practice, and if so how?”, is a question that always orchestrates his foraging activity, as does a pursuit of foraging’s playful and creative possibilities, whether they be found in novel recipes using plants, fungi, and seaweeds, or unlocking the possibilities that wild botanicals offer for other non-food-based creative pursuits. That includes, among other things, the making of baskets, mushroom paper, and natural dyes and pigments. Fergus has a huge amount of wild food knowledge to share, and an array of imaginative ways of doing so. After even only an afternoon with him, the natural world around you will never look the same again.
Charissa van Eijk
Passionate archaeologist (MA) and craftswoman
Charissa is an enthusiastic and passionate archaeologist and cultural historian from the Netherlands. Her specialisation is in prehistoric archaeology from North-western Europe, but during her BA and MA studies she also focused on lectures in cultural anthropology, physical anthropology, medieval archaeology and more. Her approach to understanding the past is to both imaginatively and practically reconnect with the ways of the ancestors, wherever they may reside. She loves to go beyond dry facts in order to grasp the mind and heart ways of our ancestors by means of experimental archaeological projects. Her animistic worldview, as well as inspiration from folklore and ways of the wisdom keepers from traditional societies, inspire her own way. For many years she has practiced ancestral skills and crafts, focussing mainly on textile and wool (weaving, tabletweaving, bandweaving, needlebinding, making felt, historical clothing, dyeing). She worked for many years teaching these skills at an archaeological open-air museum (prehistoric and early Middle Ages period) and has been a passionate re-enactor in Viking re-enactment living history. The past is totally intertwined with her daily rhythms, and she happily daydreams and crafts herself into being, into life. Always being eager to explore and learn interesting crafts, tanning fish skin and making leather greatly appealed to her. She has explored this craft with heart, hands, and soul, seeking to go ever deeper in mastery and understanding. From beginning to end, the process seemed to blend with her textile crafts and wider interests in folklore, plantlore, animism, ancestral ways, and experimental archaeology. Tanning fish skin with bark, brains, eggs, urine is interesting and exciting, and yet inspired by the knowledge of plants of her partner Fergus, and their endless talks about tannin in plants (leaves, fruits, stems, roots), they started working outside the conventional “tanning box”. Wandering the land, they discovered many plant allies that wanted to bond with the soul of the salmon and shapeshift skin into leather. Tanning with plant leaves, fruits, stems, and roots produces beautiful colours and shades. The process of discovering the right recipe is extremely nourishing and the possibilities feel endless. Working in this way with plants is for her a way to connect deeper with the spirit of a plant, the land and the spirit of the related fish/salmon. Besides exploring the tanning possibilities of plants, she is also eager to create and craft with all the beautiful leather that comes into being, from small pouches and earrings to cloths and rucksacks. Inspiration comes from archaeology, traditional societies, and her own creative waters. Blending the salmon leather with her textile crafts to see what is born during the crafting process is what she loves. Besides working with salmon leather, she and Fergus are trying to fish in different ways to catch other interesting fish species for tanning and leather making. They fish in the sea and fresh waters of the UK and the Netherlands to give reality to this wish/dream. They always work with respect, and in deep connection with all the plants and fish that come across their path. Learn more about me @craeftychaga on instagram
Pricing information
Ticket nameAdvanced Fish Leather
Where we'll be
22 Fish Leather Street, Forest Row, East Sussex, FI SH2

Please note

Please note, it is the responsibility of the booker to satisfy themselves about the adequacy of the safety measures. This platform is merely an introducer and does not verify the items listed here.

Cancellation Policy
No refunds are given except in the case of a cancellation by the Mentor.

My experience consists of a leisure activity, on a specific date(s), and therefore the 14-day ‘cooling off period’ under the Consumer Contracts Regulations 2013 does not apply.

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