Imbolc Journey Day 2023

The Awakening

Mentored by

Jenny Archard @ Woodland Journeys

Wilderness guide, facilitator, ceremonialist

Location address: Taunton, TA3 5AZ
Chosen age group:

Ages: 18+ years

Available tickets:
Full Price £70 per sessionLow Cost £55 per session
Next date: None - Register your interest
A summary
PLEASE NOTE TIMES ARE 10.30-4.30PM These Journey Days are about nourishment and inspiration for humans, held deep in the woods and with nature and spirit as our guide. We will do this by coming together in a compassionate, caring community: sitting in a circle, listening attentively, walking with nature, connecting with the seasons, the elementals and honouring the spirit of the place. These days can help you build ways of connecting and being, so that you can embody practices that will help both you and our wider community to flourish and thrive. The Four Shields work that stands behind the work of the School of Lost Borders - and others - will support what we do. Steven Foster and Meredith Little's book "The Four Shields: The Initiatory Seasons of Human Nature" is a great source. Both Jenny and Jane have worked with Meredith Little. To become flourishing beings perhaps we need these four things: - The first, to be fully in our own circles - to know ourselves in a grounded and compassionate way, to know our joys and wounds. To know how to spend time alone, to be reflective, and not to get lost in the depths of our psyche. - Second, to be in relationship with other humans, to listen deeply and witness others' stories. To be in community, in good times and in through hard places. This helps us move beyond our own selves and draws something from us and at the same time it feeds another. - Third, to find ways to listen and attend to the beings that are not humans, the more-than-human - the creatures, plants, rocks, wind, sun and all the others, whom are our kin. - Fourth, to welcome and honour spirit, God, Goddess, nature - whatever you call the being(s) that moves through all things, that is greater-than-us. Each Journey day links with the seasons and festivals of the time. So these days are about bringing those four things together, and adding another magical ingredient. You! Imbolc Journey Day 2023 Sunday 5th February Timings 10.30am- 4.30pm ​At Young Wood near Taunton. Clearing, by Martha Postlethwaite Do not try to save the whole world or do anything grandiose. Instead, create a clearing in the dense forest of your life and wait there patiently, until the song that is your life falls into your own cupped hands and you recognize and greet it. Only then will you know how to give yourself to this world so worth of rescue. This poem sums up the period between Midwinter and Imbolc which falls around the end of January. The time of Imbolc is when the energy starts to stir and awaken in our inner and outer landscapes. Until then we are still dreaming and waiting in the clearing for the first pure unfettered impulses to start to emerge. At Imbolc we start to tease out these impulses, begin new creations, craft new words, deeds and promises for the following year in service of ourselves our land and our people. It is a potent time to be with others and make pledges to ourselves witnessed by a supportive circle of fellow seekers of a spirit led life, with the spirit of nature as our guide, and with reciprocity as part of our story. We will honour this time and mark new beginnings, move our bodies, spend some solo time with nature/land/spirit and offer what gifts we have to the community and the land. ​ We will evoke and attune with the energies of the time, of the cusp between North and East Shields discovering gifts that can come from knowing ourselves here. To do this we will touch lightly on all the other shields, so that all are safe and ready for what learning and experience needs to emerge. Hot soup provide by us, bring something to share. Led by Jenny Archard, Jane Embleton and the land itself Cost: Min £55 (for those on lower incomes) Max £70 (for those on higher incomes) Maximum of 10 spaces
About your mentor
Jenny Archard @ Woodland Journeys
Wilderness guide, facilitator, ceremonialist
Social entrepreneur, group facilitator, forest school leader, trainer, wilderness guide, ceremonialist and outdoors woman. She lives in a small village in East Devon, UK, between the sea and the Blackdown Hills. Making relationship with place, being our authentic selves and co-creating with the more-than-human are core to her way in the world. ​In 2022 her focus is on stripping away the things that are not needed, so she can support thriving life.
Pricing information
Ticket nameFull Price
InformationFull Price that covers all our costs
Ticket nameLow Cost
InformationFor those on lower incomes
Where we'll be
Badger Street, Taunton, Somerset, TA3 5AZ
Enhanced DBS
Risk Assessment
Public Liability Insurance
Safeguarding Training
First Aid Training
First Aid Kit

Please note

Please note, it is the responsibility of the booker to satisfy themselves about the adequacy of the safety measures. This platform is merely an introducer and does not verify the items listed here.

Cancellation Policy
I am not able to offer refunds in general but may be able to if there is good notice.

My experience consists of a leisure activity, on a specific date(s), and therefore the 14-day ‘cooling off period’ under the Consumer Contracts Regulations 2013 does not apply.

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