Wolf Pack for Girls 2025

Adventurous week for girls 14-16

Your mentors

Chris Packe

Elena Harris

Organisation links
Location address: Scaynes Hill, RH17 7NP
Chosen age group:

Ages: 14 - 16 years

Available tickets:
Full payment £750Deposit £400
Next date: Saturday 16th Aug,
A summary
**NOTE: BURSARY PLACES AVAILABLE - PLEASE ENQUIRE** For lots of resources including videos, testimonials, pictures and FAQs, make sure you visit www.chrispacke.com. There you'll also find messages for you from girls who did Wolf Pack previously, so make sure you check those out. We are very excited to bring Wolf Pack back again in 2025 to a group of adventurous young women, led by Chris Packe and Elena Harris. Wolf Pack is a week-long event in August for a group of up to 10 girls. The adventure begins in Sussex woodland, travels through wild Devon moorland, and concludes with an Overnight Solo back in the Sussex woods. You will make new friends (usually pretty quickly!), sleep under the stars, gain skills for living and moving in the outdoors, go on a wild camping expedition to Dartmoor, challenge yourself, play a LOT of games, and hang out with good people in nature and around the fire. This week will feel wild and free, and a lot of fun. Risk, challenges and meaningful shared experience in the warm company of strong role models and fellow adventurers are vitally important for young people, to discover their huge capabilities, what they might stand for, and to develop a deep-seated self-reliance. Security is important, but in the teenage years its layers must be carefully removed in order for the young person to emerge. Yet the availability and encouragement of such experiences may often be limited, or crowded out by digital influences. Wolf Pack exists to facilitate deep encounters, learning through experiences in the natural world at the edge of comfort and ability, where the magic happens. This is not a course aiming to formally teach skills, but skills will be picked up, including bushcraft and survival skills, campcraft, navigation, nature awareness. The beauty of quality, immersive time in nature is that it tends to offer up exactly the lesson a person needs at the time... but often does not expect. We invite you to come and discover the vast resources already inside you, learn new skills, make new friends, discover new possibilities and perhaps take an important step or two in the journey of adulthood. WHAT WE'LL DO, Day 1 to Day 7 / 16 - 22 August 2025: Day 1 - 3: In the woods: Establish the tribe, bushcraft, campcraft, firecraft, day games, night games Day 3 morning: Minibus to Devon, set up a new camp in Dartmoor Day 4 - 5: River & Moor: An overnight expedition into wild Dartmoor, travelling and sleeping light (by the River Dart), putting our skills to work Day 5 afternoon: Minibus back to the Sussex woods Day 6 - 7: Back in the woods: Games, Challenges, Craft, Hanging out, and the Overnight Solo ...and once it's all done, it's not necessarily all over. Graduates of the Wolf Pack programme (boys and girls) can choose to join the Wolf Pack All Stars mountain expedition in the Lake District in April the following year. This is a 5 day trip for age 15+, that takes their Wolf Pack experience and applies it to a bigger, higher, epic mountain trip. COST - £750, either all in one go, or as a £400 deposit on booking and a £350 balancing payment by 31 March 2025 - PARTIALLY FUNDED PLACES: If this programme appeals to you, but feels out of reach financially, then please do not turn away. Chris has a patron, the Spayne Lindsay Foundation, who supports his youth programmes, and we can have a conversation about how we might be able to help. Get in touch with Chris and we can talk about it, or visit https://chrispacke.com/programmes, and scroll down to the 'Partially funded places' section - What's included: food (25 hearty meals!), accommodation, travel costs to Devon expedition, mentoring, tuition, activities, materials, group equipment - Not included: Personal kit (a detailed kit list with advice and suggestions will be provided well in advance) BOOKING PROCESS 1. Get in touch with Chris (use the 'Message Mentor' button - please make sure you leave your direct email and phone number) 2. Also check out the videos, references, testimonials, FAQs and other resources on www.chrispacke.com 3. Then it's time for a conversation between parent / guardian and Chris 4. After that, Chris meets / Zooms / speaks with the potential participant, to break the ice, and allow him to find out for himself from Chris what it's about so he can make his decision 5. Once all are happy, and the participant has decided for themselves that they want to join in, we can go ahead with the booking OTHER IMPORTANT INFO - In order to be able to offer a programme like this, we require the full commitment of the participating young women (and their families). In a bonded group like Wolf Pack, an amount of synergy is lost by an individual missing one trip, and the whole group is affected, not just the absentee; each member carries a responsibility for the wider group. Participants will be able to meet or speak with Chris before committing, in order to be fully informed to make the decision. - A degree of physical fitness is required, and a mindset to take on the various challenges. Sometimes we will be carrying our equipment on consecutive days, often over rough terrain. By design, there is some struggle - Similarly, this programme requires a degree of social / emotional skill, and an agreed willingness to engage in such challenges, as they come hand in hand with the physical endeavour. As with the physical aspects, it is fine (and normal) to struggle at times with social aspects, however for the benefit of the individual and the group, any participant must have the capability of functioning in a group situation, and be able to engage in the spirit of the programme - Bookings on this event are subject to Chris Packe's Terms and Conditions, available to view during the booking process and at https://chrispacke.com/terms-conditions - The group size limit is 10, and the minimum group size is 7. In the case of the event not booking up to the minimum group size, the programme will be cancelled and bookers will receive a full refund Chris is licensed by AALA to provide adventurous hiking activities. OTHER THINGS I OFFER These are the other programmes and events I run, which can all be found here on eequ: Adventurous programmes for teenagers and nearly-teenagers: Wolf Pack for Boys (aged 13-16 / Year 9 - 11) Call to Adventure for Boys (aged 11-13 / Year 8 & 9) Wolf Pack All-Stars (5-day mountain expedition for Wolf Pack graduates) Lively woodland camps: Feral Fathers (dads and sons, or dads and daughters, or dads and both) Woodland archery: 5-hour immersive sessions for private groups on request
About your mentors
Chris Packe
Wild guide
Chris spent 15 years in investment banking, followed by 10 years in the woods. He is particularly fired up by running events and programmes that relate to men / fathers, and to teenagers. This comes to life as nature-based youth mentoring programmes – year courses for teens such as Wolf Pack for Boys and for Girls (13-15 years) and Call to Adventure (boys aged 11-13 years), as well as Feral Fathers (feisty weekend events for fathers and sons / daughters) and convening a monthly men’s fire circle (since 2015). In addition, he does work that is variously described as coaching, mentoring and guiding (he is a qualified mountain leader, and an archery instructor), and also sketch comedy, writing, cartooning and songwriting. Chris also finds himself owning a piece of woodland - a place to work, experiment and often to just go to alone and sleep in. He lives in Forest Row and has two children.
Elena Harris
You were wild once, don't let them tame you!
I have worked as a nature educator for five years and was the co-founder and Head Facilitator of Wildlings - a thriving little community of Electively Home Educated children. I am a qualified Forest School Leader and completed a Ray Mears Bushcraft skills course in 2018. I trained with WildWise in 2017, initially completing Call of the Wild; a year-long Nature Connection Facilitation course, in the heart of Dartmoor National Park. Following this I completed a second and third year Tending the Green Fire to further develop my facilitation skills with groups in nature. I now work as a freelance Outdoor Instructor for WildWise and other organisations, as well as running my own programs and work regularly as a Forest School teacher in various settings. In early 2020 I travelled to Namibia to visit and learn with the San Bush People in the Kalahari Desert. Specific training with WildWise: Art of Storytelling John Muir trek Wild Time for Girls Outdoor First Aid Challenging Behaviour in the Outdoors Transitions and Thresholds During the 2020 Covid lockdown I completed various online courses including: Consent-Based Education with Sophie Christophy Child Communication Workshop with Rosamund Frost I have two sons.
Some testimonials
Here is what the girls of Wolf Pack 2023 have to say (and some testimonials from parents further below). The girls have written messages to anyone considering Wolf Pack in 2024, and you can find these here (copy and paste this clunky link into a search engine): https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/nghx2etdaos7d6td1ls2k/Messages-from-the-girls-of-Wolf-Pack-2023.pdf?rlkey=agm5rztoh0azch660tqxltyma&dl=0 "I came because my parents persuaded me. And yes I thought: “Ugh why do I have to do this?” But can I just say that this has been one of the best experiences almost ever. I have surprised myself and completed things I never thought I could do. The whole hiking thing was new to me and OMG it was so fun!" Ana, 15 "It’s very different from what you’d normally expect from this type of thing. I hate the outdoors but god I’ve loved this! I have learned a lot about myself and the kind of person I want to be. I’ve learnt my limits and how to keep pushing myself. I’m sad it’s over. Don’t miss this opportunity." Violet, 15 "The fears I was able to overcome, and the experiences I was uncertain of, ended up being important and entirely memorable. It really gave me new perspectives on things I was struggling with, and I have made friendships I hope to keep forever. I truly recommend and hope you give Wolf Pack a chance. I’m sure now it was the best decision I could possibly have made." Skye, 14 "If you are feeling unsure about Wolf Pack, don’t be. You won’t regret it. Seriously, don’t be thrown off by making friends, especially if you’re shy. I’m not the most talkative but the people I have met are so genuine, it’s safe to say I love them all." Kirsty, 14 "I never imagined Wolf Pack would be like this but I wouldn’t want it any other way. It’s such a safe and special atmosphere that you couldn’t replicate anywhere else. I’m so glad I got to meet these girls and experience all these things." Lyra, 14 "It’s not as bad as it seems – any of it –and I really enjoyed it. It was a challenge that I probably would never have experienced otherwise. I made some forever friends and memories that I will always remember." AJ, 15 "I have honestly never laughed more around a group of people. It had a perfect balance of fun and concentration, which helps so many parts of an overall growth in yourself through the year." Hattie, 17 "I was terrified that I wouldn’t be able to make friends and that everything would be tiring and awful. But everything was brilliant and I made friends that I will value for the rest of my life. I learned so, so much. When you look for them, there’s life lessons everywhere." Rose, 15 "I made friends & memories that will last a lifetime. Really unique connections with myself and others. Character building experiences in a strong-willed and safe environment. It pushed me to stretch my boundaries and discover so much about myself." Poppy, 15 And some from parents: “She loved Wolf Pack. It has been such a positive, life affirming and confidence boosting experience for my daughter. She used to object to walks and camping but now she loves it and is trying to recruit her friends to go on a hike abroad when they are older! What a wonderful experience for them all.” Mary Harper-Stanford "She absolutely loved this experience. I can’t recommend it highly enough. So grateful to Chris and the team for supporting them through this wonderful process, learning about themselves and continuing to become amazing humans.” Sarah Johnson “At first it was naturally met with teenage suspicion, but upon completion she was the first to say how much she loved it. She made amazing new friends through this incredible shared experience. This has been a hugely positive experience for her – I am beyond happy.” Ivana Culham “Chris and his team have provided guidance, nurturing, care and a smattering of danger for my daughter. Words can’t express my gratitude… I highly recommend Wolf Pack and the learnings it provides for a young adult.” Pete Montgomery
Learning aims
Aim 1
Wolf Pack does not seek to prescribe any learning outcomes; there are broad aims which meet each individual differently, and these are usually best approached sideways
Aim 3
By the very nature of the programme, a wide range of physical, mental, emotional and social skills will be called upon and inevitably refined. These will be discovered and explored along the way
Aim 2
Such broad aims include the development of self-reliance, a young woman's expanded awareness of her capabilities, and a sense of what might be her most pressing current themes in her journey of adulthood
Aim 4
By the end of Wolf Pack, these young women will have equipped themselves with confidence and willpower, life skills, practical skills, broader horizons and many tales of their heroic deeds
"Can I trust you?"
A number of people who join my programmes, courses and events already know me personally, or have had a previous experience with me, such as a Feral Fathers weekend or archery day, or know me by reputation. An equal number have come across me for the first time, so I start out little more than a stranger. For many parents in this position, I fully appreciate that it can be a big deal for their child to join a multi-night course. To address this directly, I'm setting out a few layers through which a connection and trust tends to get built ahead of an experience. 1. Background checks & qualifications I, and all my adult staff, have the necessary Enhanced DBS checks in place, and we always have an appropriate number of staff with suitable first aid qualifications - this is a minimum. Given the hiking / expeditionary aspect to some of my courses, my activities must be licensed by AALA (the Adventurous Activities Licensing Authority, a government body). This involves a very exacting inspection and approval of my qualifications, operating procedures and policies - which means I am held to a very high standard on an ongoing basis, on ALL of my activities. As a qualified Mountain Leader, as well as the technical expertise, it means I have also been assessed and approved through a rigorous process on group management and welfare. 2. Direct contact I never take 'blind' bookings on multi-day events. It always begins with a conversation / meeting with the parent/s, to build a direct relationship and address any areas of interest or concern. For my year programmes like Wolf Pack and Call to Adventure, I always meet or Zoom with the child involved, so they can get a accurate picture of what the experience involves, as well as getting to know me, so that they can decide for themselves whether they wish to join. For one-off multi-day events, as well as the initial contact, group Zoom calls can also be arranged, where parents and children interested in the event can get a similar level of clarity and comfort. Some families prefer to meet me, check me out properly, and also have an awesome time at my woodland archery range. So it is possible to have a form of 'taster' day, if an appropriate group can be assembled. 3. References from previous parents Over the years I have had hundreds of children in my care, and therefore a lot of parents who have an opinion of me. I have put together a pack of references from a group of parents who have booked their children on programmes I have run, which can be found on my website at https://chrispacke.com/programmes/ Furthermore, parents can go on to contact these referees directly if they wish. The hope is that this third party view can give a solid layer of comfort to those who desire it. I am very open to any other ways that I can address the matter of building trust ahead of booking an event, do get in touch if you need.
Pricing information
Ticket nameFull payment
Ticket nameDeposit
Where we'll be
Wapsbourne Wood, Scaynes Hill, West Sussex, RH17 7NP
Enhanced DBS
Risk Assessment
Public Liability Insurance
Safeguarding Training
First Aid Training
First Aid Kit

Please note

Please note, it is the responsibility of the booker to satisfy themselves about the adequacy of the safety measures. This platform is merely an introducer and does not verify the items listed here.

Cancellation Policy
No refunds are given except in the case of a cancellation by the Mentor.This programme demands a high level of commitment from the organisers, and therefore a reciprocal level of commitment from families sending their daughter to join. Once a booking is made, it means other inquirers may need to be turned away, or held on a waiting list. Late cancellations cause problems, because people generally book their summer activities early, and if participants drop out, the place cannot usually not be filled. Therefore, no refunds can be offered for cancellations after March 31st, unless the place is successfully filled, in which case there will be a refund of the price minus £50. In order to facilitate the commitment from the participant , I will meet / speak / Skype with parents and daughter, to ensure that the time is indeed right, and the intention strong and clear, to participate in this programme. After booking, I will send you brief form around health and intention. Detailed event information will be circulated in good time ahead of the event.

My experience consists of a leisure activity, on a specific date(s), and therefore the 14-day ‘cooling off period’ under the Consumer Contracts Regulations 2013 does not apply.

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