Making Sense of Senses Online Course

9 weekly sessions for sensational parents

Mentored by

carla lauren

Nature Based Occupational Therapist

Organisation links
Chosen age group:

Ages: 18+ years

Available tickets:
Standard £90Concession/Early Bird £81Mascot Funded Place Free
Next date: None - Register your interest
A summary
Please note New Course Dates: Course Dates - Wednesday’s 12:00-13:15 14th, 21st, 28th September 5th, 12th, 19th October 2nd, 9th, 16th November ------------------------------------------------------------- A 9 week online course for those who support a loved one with sensory processing difficulties. Led by Carla lauren, Highly Specialist, Nature Based Occupational Therapist with post grad cert in sensory integration. This course has been designed with parents and carers of children with sensory processing difficulties and differences. To enable you to access specialist support and connect with parents/guardians from the comfort of your own home. Each week we look at a different sensory system: hearing, visual, touch, taste, smell, proprioception (body awareness), vestibular (motion) and interception (internal physical and emotional awareness). You will have lots of opportunities to ask questions and share ideas. This course is for you if any of these are relevant to you: You want to know more about your child's sensory needs and strengths You are struggling to find ways to understand and/or support your child's sensory needs You feel isolated and in need of people who 'get it' You'd like to find ways of supporting your child to over come and cope with their sensory challenges How do I know if my child may have sensory processing difficulties? Take a look at the list below and if any of these apply this course will be useful for you. Your child: - gets overwhelmed by certain noises, smells, sounds, touch, or tastes. Which may cause meltdowns, or for them to avoid activities, events or certain environments such as school or busy shops. - struggles with the smell, taste and/or feel of foods and has a restricted diet - struggles to wear certain clothes as they feel itchy, uncomfortable or sore - struggles to wash themselves, brush their teeth or hair as they can't cope with the feel of this - seeks a high level of sensory input - maybe they are always on the go and cant sit still, or stop chewing things - struggles to learn new movements and trips, bumps or falls more than their peers - struggles to do what they want and/or need to because of sensory challenges - struggles to sit upright and falls off their chair - seems fearful of movement, or heights and/or get travel sick This is a general guide not an assessment or complete list. You can also get in touch with questions as well. What will we learn? You will learn how to spot your child's sensory triggers, as well as ways to soothe and regulate them through their senses. We will explore tips and techniques to help you learn the latest evidence based ways to support children with sensory processing difficulties. You will receive a booklet to record your ideas and exclusive access to a webpage of helpful resources. Each week you will be given activities to try at home and the opportunity to explore how these are going. Accessibility: The more everyone contributes the better the course is, there is always a great sense of connection between the group. Everyone contributes in their own way - some verbally, some through the group chat box and others let us know what works for them and we incorporate these into the group. What have parents/guardian who have been on the course said? "This course is an absolute must for all parents/carers of neuro-divergent children" “Helped me rethink my parenting to work with my child rather than continually butting heads. I could never figure out reasons for the behaviour and so I was struggling to manage it. Now I understand how sensory issues underpin most of my sons issues, I am able to regulate him and we are both in a happier space” "This course was brilliant at giving an understanding of sensory processing difficulties and I came away with loads of useful tips and things to try. It was invaluable to have an expert on hand to question ... someone who actually understands exactly what we are struggling with. A brilliant course which has helped us tenfold with our son.” “It was great to understand the sense a bit more and how they work overall for different types of people. The little tips were great about how you could ease the sense for them - e.g. rub feet before putting on socks, ask them if they are ready to listen” “Carla described Sensory Processing difficulties so well in her ‘making sense of the senses’ course that we were quickly able to identify that all three of our kids had Sensory issues. This was very powerful and enabled us to seek the support they needed at school and home to maximise their chances of feeling happy and safe” For more testimonials and information on the course please take a look here:
About your mentor
carla lauren
Nature Based Occupational Therapist
Carla Lauren is a highly specialist occupational nature based therapist and certified sensory integration practitioner. Carla has worked with families who experience sensory processing difficulties and differences for many years. She is the founder of OTKin. Please take a look at her webpage here: OTKin aims to make sensory and trauma informed occupational therapy accessible to all who need it. Carla works with children and families in nature, however this course is offered online for ease of access for parents.
What we'll do
Carla will deliver a workshop on a different sense each week for around 60 mins, including Interoception, Proprioception, Vestibular, Tactile, Visual, Auditory, Taste and Smell. We will then have 15 mins to discuss ideas and for questions Who will be there? A small group of parents and carers Carla, occupational therapist with post graduate certificates in sensory integration assessment and treatment- What resources will I receive? - A PDF of the slides from each session - A booklet to record your ideas and observations - Access to an exclusive webpage of resources only for attendees
Learning aims
Aim 1
This course has been designed with parents and carers to support you to: - build connections with your child and other parents - develop understanding of your child's sensory needs and strengths - grow your confidence by trying out new ideas at home.
Aim 2
You will discover the best practice guidelines for the assessment and treatment options for those with sensory processing difficulties Learn how to identify your child’s unique sensory profile Explore sensory based co-regulation and self-regulation techniques Learn how to support the development of sensory movement skills Explore ways of adapting the home environment to support sensory needs
When is it?
You will need to attend all 9 weekly sessions starting on Friday 9th September 2022. Time: 12:00 - 13:15 Course dates: Fridays 9th, 16th, 23rd, 30th September 1st, 14th, 21st October No session 28th October - half term 4th, 11th November
Pricing information
Ticket nameStandard
Ticket nameConcession/Early Bird
InformationPlease use of you book before the end of July or are in receipt of benefits
Ticket nameMascot Funded Place
InformationPlease only book this once you have your email of agreement from Mimi at Mascot and Carla at OTKin
Enhanced DBS
Risk Assessment
Public Liability Insurance
Safeguarding Training
First Aid Training

Please note

Please note, it is the responsibility of the booker to satisfy themselves about the adequacy of the safety measures. This platform is merely an introducer and does not verify the items listed here.

Cancellation Policy
Refunds will be given up to 72 hours prior to the course starting minus £5 admin fee

My experience consists of a leisure activity, on a specific date(s), and therefore the 14-day ‘cooling off period’ under the Consumer Contracts Regulations 2013 does not apply.

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