Earthwalk and nature activity morning

An alternative nature experience!

Your mentors

Sheila Pope


Location address: Billingshurst, RH14 9AX
Chosen age group:

Ages: 18+ years

Available tickets:
Register your interest £30
Next date: None - Register your interest
What we'll do
"An Earthwalk is a light refreshing touch of the natural world, fostering a sense of joy, kinship, reverence and love for the earth and its life" (The Institute for Earth Education) A different way of exploring in the woods, using all your senses in structured, fun activities designed to help you get in touch with the great outdoors! Our programme starts with an Earthwalk and includes craft activities (claywork and origami) and ends with a singing session around the campfire. A time to connect to yourself, others and nature in a lovely woodland setting. If you would like to find out more about our Earthwalk events, please message us and we will get back to you.
About your mentors
Sheila Pope
Ecotherapist/counsellor/outdoor practitioner
Even from a young age, Sheila had a heart for protecting the environment, disliking the "throw away" culture and shallow consumerism. She was brought up to "mend and make do" and feels that, finally, the rest of the world is catching up with her – she has been re-using her carrier bags all her life! Sheila has been in private practice ever since qualifying as a counsellor in 2003, as well as providing counselling services at a hostel for the homeless for 4 1/2yrs and in a centre supporting adults with learning disabilities for 2 1/2yrs. Then in 2014 Sheila saw an advert for a training course on how to take your counselling practice outdoors, which immediately appealed to her. She has not lost her hunger for this work since then and uses local nature reserves to work outside with her clients. Helping people connect to nature via Earthwalks is a new direction for Sheila and she's very much looking forward to working alongside Judy in this venture, which will provide the jumping off point for further self-development programmes. "The different skills we bring to the table are complemented by our shared love of nature", says Sheila, "and we're on the same page with our enthusiasm for building relationships between people and the wonderful world around us."
Judy Agate
FS Leader, Nemophilist & Nature Connector
Having been brought up on a farm, from a baby until teenage; where daylight hours were spent exploring and playing within the acres of ancient woodland surrounding her home, Judy built a deep connection with nature from a very young age. Judy spent 12 years working as a Special Needs Assistant and Learning Mentor with in a primary school , before training as a Forest School Leader. She established Green Caterpillar in 2012. Green Caterpillar has delivered Forest School sessions and the John Muir Award to schools in West Sussex, whilst also offering holiday sessions and Woodland Camps at Festivals around the UK. The Covid Pandemic has offered opportunities to branch out, explore and make new connections. Supporting and collaborating with others to provide nature connection programmes within the corporate/adult world is an exciting new string to our bow. ''Collaboration is at the heart of Green Caterpillar'' Judy says. ''It is really important to me to make connections. We are inherently sociable beings and working with people that share that same passion, creates amazing opportunities to both learn, share and 'just be'. I am very excited to be working with Sheila to deliver this Earthwalks workshop and I look forward to us hosting events together in the future.’’ Judy has been an active member of the Sussex Forest School Association (Sussex FSA) committee for 7 years and has been the secretary of Sussex FSA for the past 2 years.
What to Wear:
We recommend wearing long sleeved tops and long trousers (lightweight if hot weather), to protect against scratches, insect bites and ticks. Bring waterproof jacket (and ideally trousers) in case of wet weather. Wear sturdy waterproof footwear, no open toed shoes.
Learning aims
Aim 1
Noticing, experiencing and connecting with those parts of the natural world which previously might have gone under the radar, using all your senses.
Aim 2
Having fun with craft activities and singing round the campfire!
Pricing information
Ticket nameRegister your interest
InformationMessage Mentor to express interest
Where we'll be
Stane Street, Billingshurst, West Sussex, RH14 9AX
Risk Assessment
Public Liability Insurance
First Aid Training
First Aid Kit

Please note

Please note, it is the responsibility of the booker to satisfy themselves about the adequacy of the safety measures. This platform is merely an introducer and does not verify the items listed here.

Cancellation Policy
Cancel more than one week before the start to receive a full refund.We may need to reschedule if the weather forecast means we cannot hold the event. We will cancel if numbers are low - Earthwalks work best with at least 12 participants!

My experience consists of a leisure activity, on a specific date(s), and therefore the 14-day ‘cooling off period’ under the Consumer Contracts Regulations 2013 does not apply.

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