East Sussex Holiday Activities and Food Programme
A summaryThis is the page for holiday activities in East Sussex funded by the Holiday Activities and Food (HAF) Programme. The next HAF-funded sessions will be during the Easter school holidays in April 2025. Bookings will open on Monday 10 March at 12.30pm for FSM-eligible families and Wednesday 12 March for other eligible attendees. Funded activities are available for free to young people in receipt of benefits-related free school meals (FSM). Check out individual provider pages to find out more about their activities and to book a place. If your child has any specific needs, we recommend that you use the 'Contact mentor' function within each listing to discuss your child's needs before booking. Information about the ESCC HAF programme is available here - https://www.eastsussex.gov.uk/children-families/childcare/welcome-to-holiday-food-and-fun Guidance and further cost of living support is available here - https://www.eastsussex.gov.uk/community/cost-of-living-support