The Magic of Dance.

'Touch the Spirit' of the Sun

Organisation links
Location address: The Cartlodge, Horam
Chosen age group:

Ages: 18+ years

Available tickets:
Gifting £225Full price £195Supported £175
Next date: None - Register your interest
A summary
I discovered Trance-Dancing many years ago and it enabled me to liberate myself from multiple fears of criticism and denigration and to dare to become and to live my Real Self. The Magic of Dance...... takes us out of our heads and into our bodies, into the depth of our-self and our truth. Dance takes us into altered states, to 'Touch the Spirit' of the Sun, Moon, Animal or Plant. In this way we contact the essence of life and experience our Oneness with All-That-Is. To dance like nature is to vibrate with Creation. “Wow! What a difference 2 days can make. So much gratitude for the Trance Dance Weekend, Leo. Major shifts and cutting of seriously stuck, unwanted cords.” “…. want to let you know that since I have met you I actually feel Like I have something to offer the world and I knew that you would make me face myself and teach me all the things that I have run away from”. Plus: Fantastic Live Music with multi-instrumentalists Paul Cerigo and Ruth Humming Ford. A great way of entering deeply into the Dance of Life
About your mentor
Leo Rutherford
Shamanic guide
Previously an engineer - C.Eng.M.I.Mech.E. After Mid-life Crisis - MA Holistic Psychology. Learned from shamans and incorporated what I learned into my therapy practice which transformed into shamanism. Now Practitioner of shamanism for 35 years
Learning aim
Aim 1
Self knowledge, self-confidence
Pricing information
Ticket nameGifting
InformationGifting is for those who have.
Ticket nameFull price
InformationNormal priced ticket.
Ticket nameSupported
InformationSupported is for whose who need
The  Magic of Dance. - image 1
The  Magic of Dance. - image 2
Where we'll be
The Cartlodge, Merrydown Way, Horam, East Sussex, TN21 0JB

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My experience consists of a leisure activity, on a specific date(s), and therefore the 14-day ‘cooling off period’ under the Consumer Contracts Regulations 2013 does not apply.

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