Puppet Play

Puppets to enhance learning and connection

Location address: Essex Outdoors Danbury, Danbury
Chosen age group:

Ages: 18+ years

Available tickets:
Puppet play Saturday pm FreePUPPET PLAY Saturday AM Free
Next date: None - Register your interest
A summary
Puppets can be powerful allies in learning outdoors. They are playful, exciting and magical. They can support the development of language, imagination, social learning and creative play. They can be used to learn about the natural world and connect creatively with it. First we will explore the benefits of puppets and some simple ways they can be introuduced into sessions. There will then be a practical session of making, with a focus on using wool and wet and needle felt methods.
About your mentors
Lauren Kinnersley
Freelance Forest School Leader
I qualified as a Forest School Leader in 2006, and completed Steiner Waldorf Teacher Training in 2012. I am interested in finding creative ways to enhance my practice with young people and enjoy incorporating singing, music making, puppets and storytelling into my work. I have a particular interest in SEND and my work includes young people who are struggling in a mainstream setting, and I also work with SEND schools. I am about to begin a Postgraduate Certificate in Therapeutic Play, to deepen my understanding and skill in supporting young people to make positive changes in their lives through the power of play.
Nic Harding
Project's Officer at FSA
As the Project Officer, I'm pleased to be organising the annual Forest School Association Conference. I am appearing as a Mentor on each workshop to give me oversight and allow me to help out on the day, I may not actually be on your workshop.
Learning aims
Aim 1
To be able to identify at least 4 benefits to using puppets in forest school sessions
Aim 3
To gain inspiration and confidence in introducing puppets to sessions
Aim 2
To be able to identify 3 ways to introduce puppets into forest school sessions
Aim 4
To learn simple felting techniques to make your own finger puppets
Pricing information
Ticket namePuppet play Saturday pm
Ticket namePUPPET PLAY Saturday AM
Where we'll be
Essex Outdoors Danbury, Well Lane, Danbury, Essex, CM3 4AB

Please note

Please note, it is the responsibility of the booker to satisfy themselves about the adequacy of the safety measures. This platform is merely an introducer and does not verify the items listed here.

Cancellation Policy
Refer to FSA please

My experience consists of a leisure activity, on a specific date(s), and therefore the 14-day ‘cooling off period’ under the Consumer Contracts Regulations 2013 does not apply.

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