N.I.P.P.E.R.S. Play scheme

Free play and forest school sessions

Location address: East Side Social Centre, Newhaven
Chosen age group:

Ages: 5 - 16 years

Available tickets:
Free HAF ticket Free
Next date: Monday 7th Apr,
Funded by East Sussex County Council
Universal holiday club with SEND support
What we'll do
The children and young people will be able to socialise in a small environment with trained playworkers and forest school leaders. They will be able to take part in a variety of free play and forest school activities, as well as arts and crafts and cooking. These places are available to families in receipt of benefit related free school meals/ those with additional needs and sessions will run from 0900-1500 weekdays. All sessions include all snacks and meals and activities. Sessions must be booked in advance. Please bring a water bottle and wear appropriate clothing for outside play. The setting has no technology, we are play and forest school based. ***This activity has been funded through the Department for Education’s (DfE) Holiday Activity and Food (HAF) programme and coordinated by East Sussex County Council. Fully funded places are available for young people eligible for benefits-related free school meals. This eligibility criteria has been defined by the DfE. Additionally young people in several other target cohorts can attend funded places, such as those with SEND or Looked After Children (LAC). Please note, eligibility will be confirmed as part of the booking process.***
send accessibility checklist
1:1 care
2:1 care
Qualified to administer medication
Epilepsy trained
Accessible toilet
Assist with personal care and toileting
Hoist and changing bench
Makaton and PECS trained
Sensory break area
Quiet spaces
Secure environment
Disability communication skills
More information available on request
Contact the Mentor to discuss your specific needs regarding this list item.
Please note:
It is the responsibility of the booker to satisfy themselves about the adequacy of the the measures provided above. This platform is merely an introducer and does not verify the items listed.
About your mentors
Pam Perry
Making time for fun and play
N.I.P.P.E.R.S. has been offering out of school activities since 1973, so this year we are 52. The staff are qualified in Early Years, Playwork and Forest School Leadership. I have been involved with the group since 1978 and am the current chairperson of the Charity. I am a Forest School trainer working for the Mohair Centre Training based in Laughton. N.I.P.P.E.R.S. aims to enable children and young people to develop their full capacity through their leisure activities.
East Sussex Council HAF team
East Sussex Council HAF team
East Sussex Council HAF team
Learning aims
Aim 1
Participants will learn craft, cooking and forest school skills.
Aim 2
Participants will engage in physical activities through Forest School activities and nature walks.
Aim 3
To enjoy the outdoor space.
Pricing information
Ticket nameFree HAF ticket
Where we'll be
East Side Social Centre, Norton Terrace, Newhaven, East Sussex, BN9 0BT
Enhanced DBS
Risk Assessment
Public Liability Insurance
Safeguarding Training
First Aid Training
First Aid Kit
Smoke Detector

Please note

Please note, it is the responsibility of the booker to satisfy themselves about the adequacy of the safety measures. This platform is merely an introducer and does not verify the items listed here.

Cancellation Policy
Please inform us by text or phone call to 07564452837 if your child is unable to attend a session.

My experience consists of a leisure activity, on a specific date(s), and therefore the 14-day ‘cooling off period’ under the Consumer Contracts Regulations 2013 does not apply.

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