Know-How Tuesdays! @ Learn4Life (12+)

Learn4Life - Your Partner in Homeschooling

Mentored by

Kathryn Brown

I don't give up until I achieve my goals!

Location address: College Lane, East Grinstead
Chosen age group:

Ages: 11 - 13 years

Available tickets:
Standard £6/hrConcession £5.40/hr
Next date: None - Register your interest
A summary
Do you need help with the core subjects of Maths and English? We offer sessions personalised to your child's specific needs and abilities, PLUS all the educational materials, saving you the time researching resources and all the worry of planning. In essence, if you are looking for a compromise between full-time home-educating and full-time schooling, Learn4life may be the right place for your child. At Learn4Life our aim is to prepare all children for the realities of life and the workplace. We strive to provide curriculum pathways suitable for all our learners. We are constantly discussing what we should teach and evaluating the impact of what we have taught before. We continue to develop our PSHE enrichment curriculum – as more than just having a knowledge-rich overview. We know we need to get deeper into the details about our youngest learners, knowing more about the genuine issues in our world. We base our curriculum on teaching content which is applicable to our community ; empowering our learners and setting them off into the big, wide world with the knowledge and skills they need to be successful. The sociologist Pierre Bourdieu proposed that we base a large part of our knowledge on interactions in our daily lives. ACHIEVING MASTERY - SUCCEEDING IN MATHS We use blocks of work that offer rigorous pedagogy, progression, and consistent development of Maths. We employ approaches that help our learners to develop a deep and secure knowledge and understanding - at each stage of their learning, equipping them to move on confidently and securely to more advanced material. Through these blocks of works - we include teaching powerpoints , problem-solving and investigative activities, and reasoning questions. ENGLISH WORKSHOPS - TO INSPIRE We ground our approach in a belief that it is vital that we encourage children to read and write with competence and confidence while facilitating their desire to do so. We include stimulating texts and ongoing real-world problems and morals - linking our classroom to the larger world. We scaffold each unit on top of the previous; using previously learned material in order to teach new materials. Our resources cover all aspects of English and we tailor our lessons to our learners. APPLYING SKILLS ACROSS SUBJECT AREAS Our cross-curricular creative projects engage children in active learning with meaningful outcomes. We either use a whole topic throughout a half term or term or choose just one block on a particular aspect of a topic or select sessions covering specific elements of a topic - depending on the age and ability of each of our learners. Within each topic, we adapt outcomes and delivery methods depending on our learners. LEARNING OUTSIDE THE CLASSROOM Taking the learning outside is a powerful and engaging tool. Our 'Learning Outside the Classroom' programme of study helps to enrich our learners educational experience by showing them real-life applications of theories. Our outside classroom provides glorious views of the countryside and plenty of learning opportunities. Here, we really bring learning to life - making learning relevant, nurturing creativity and imagination, and developing learning through experimentation. Our curricular led outdoor learning activities include topics based around - measuring, big space fractions , 2D to 3D shapes, clock faces, A to Z creative literacy tasks, active maths, seed dispersal, autumn leaves [poems and artwork] , global homes, modelling of atomic structures, microclimates, natural expressions, interactive timelines, interdependence in food webs, hibernation and sorting and classifying. All activities aim to develop team skills and spatial awareness.
About your mentor
Kathryn Brown
I don't give up until I achieve my goals!
Three years ago Kathryn established Learn4Life, set up to meet the needs of those children and their parents who felt that the state education system had failed them; many stating they (and their children) were avoiding bullying, exam pressure and stress. Learn4Life offered them a compromise between full-time home schooling and full-time school. Kathryn went to Tanbridge House School and Collyers Sixth Form College in Horsham before going on to read Music and Education at Cambridge University. Kathryn embarked on her career at Halstead Preparatory School, Woking before spending time abroad working at Dover Court Preparatory School, Singapore as Director of Music. Since then she has worked in various overseas Preparatory Schools and in the U.K. Currently, she manages Learn4Life, home schools her beautiful daughters and is completing a Masters Degree in Law (distance-learning) for which she was awarded the prize for Foundations of Public Law.
Learning aims
Aim 1
To instil and develop characteristics in our pupils that will serve them long beyond Learn4Life, as well as to boost their confidence and mental health.
Aim 3
To raise children who have a kind attitude, are interested about the world and its people, and have a balanced outlook on life, allowing them to feel at ease with others.
Aim 5
To encourage everyone, regardless of ability, to participate individually and collectively.
Aim 2
To provide pastoral care and core academic skills that will help all pupils to reach their full potential. Our learners have plenty of space and the time they need to complete their educational journey. We want to bring together the best of different curriculums in a comprehensive learning community; where students work hard (but at their own pace) to reach their full potential and are prepared for life in a globalised world. Aim for the best, be happy and be nice are our three fundamental beliefs which we hope our pupils will take into adulthood.
Aim 4
To promote the fundamental principles of justice, tolerance, and respect for others in order to produce responsible citizens.
Aim 6
To cultivate a passion for learning.
Pricing information
Ticket nameStandard
InformationSiblings receive a 10% discount. Your child(ren) can come to us either once a week or twice a week. We are open Mondays and Tuesdays. Either book one day per week - Mondays or Tuesdays or book both days per week (this will need to be done as individual bookings as the booking system works automatically i.e.: every time a booking is made the number of places in each age group reduces).
Ticket nameConcession
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Where we'll be
College Lane, East Grinstead, West Sussex, RH19 3LT
Enhanced DBS
Basic DBS
Risk Assessment
Public Liability Insurance
Safeguarding Training
First Aid Training
First Aid Kit
Smoke Detector

Please note

Please note, it is the responsibility of the booker to satisfy themselves about the adequacy of the safety measures. This platform is merely an introducer and does not verify the items listed here.

Cancellation Policy
I am not able to offer refunds in general but may be able to if there is good notice and an exceptional reason.

My experience is an educational activity and the 14-day cooling-off period under the Consumer Contracts Regulations 2013 therefore applies. After the 14 day period my standard policy will apply.

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