Kindergarten Magic and Parent and Child

A Waldorf experience for you and your child

Location address: Beaconsfield Road, Chelwood Gate
Chosen age group:

Ages: 1 - 7 years

Available tickets:
Standard £6/hrConcession £3/hr
Next date: Tuesday 21st Jan,
Join me in a magical Kindergarten setting to enjoy a seasonal rhythm in a warm and nurturing environment. We will begin the morning with a walk in nature in the woods, enjoying the seasonal changes nature gives. We will also have a short play at the Pixie Ring on the swings, climbing trees and making dens. After our walk, you and your child enter into a warm and welcoming environment set out similar to a Waldorf kindergarten. After toilet time, we will form a circle time where we enjoy seasonal songs and rhymes with movement and little games. We will then sit down together and share a substantial snack, this time is both calming and sociable. After our snack, there will be natural Waldorf themed play equipment available for the children to play with. The creative play is open ended, child-led, and imaginative. There will also be a teacher led activity that they all are free to join such as baking, painting and crafting. The parents are welcome to join their child in play or can socialise quietly with other parents close by crafting. We will end the morning session with a nature story or puppet show and finish with our goodbye song.
About your mentor
A teacher & mum who knows how to have fun!
I originally worked as a learning support assistant in mainstream school and found myself drawn to younger children. I fell in love with the Waldorf kindergarten from the moment I walked through the door. I did my Waldorf early years teacher training alongside working as an assistant at Michael Hall Steiner school. I became a teacher there and set up a new group of children and families. I was fortunate to have several happy years there before starting my own family. I am now a busy home maker and mother to three young children. I am a qualified Forest school leader and currently also lead a Waldorf inspired outdoor parent and child group in the woods on a Tuesday morning.
Coronavirus safety measures
Kindergarten Magic and Parent and Child Covid Health and Safety Policy. Kindergarten Magic and Parent and Child, offers an environment which allows young children to participate in enriching seasonal activities. It offers the child the opportunity to socialise with others outside their household in a safe space with natural toys and play items, both indoors and outside. Magical moments of wonder, reverence, and beauty are achieved through seasonal songs, gestures, rhymes, the nature table, stories, puppet plays and seasonal festival celebrations. All such experiences promote the young child’s social, emotional and mental wellbeing. These attributes are in line and exceed the government’s recognition of the important role out-of school settings provide. All parents are given this document to read and asked to follow the requested guidelines to insure the safety of all. Guidelines, Practices and Systems of Control. * Kindergarten Magic and Parent and Child will maintain small groups of no more than 16 children, with the same children each time wherever possible. * Parents will ensure children and any adults attending the group will minimise contact with individuals who are unwell by ensuring that those who have coronavirus (COVID-19) symptoms, or who have someone in their household who does or have been advised by NHS Test & Trace to self-isolate, do not attend the setting and notify the Early Years practitioner immediately. * On arrival the Early Years practitioner will clean with anti bacterial wipe all touch pints such as keys, door handle, taps, light switches and so on. * To reduce any possible transmission, parents and children will wash hands before any food preparation and lunch time. * Hands are to be washed following government guidelines by using soap or anti bacterial hand wash hand thoroughly for 20 seconds with running water and dry them thoroughly ensuring that all parts of the hands are covered. * At snack time, the children will be served the food from an adult helper rather than helping themselves. * All adults will support good respiratory hygiene by promoting the ‘catch it, bin it, kill it’ approach. * The early years practitioner and support staff will clean frequently touched surfaces more often than usual using antibacterial products. * All the space, both inside and outside will be used to play, educate, and socialise in to minimise contact and mixing by altering, as much as possible. * When possible, open doors and windows to enhance natural ventilation. * If anyone in your setting becomes unwell with a new, continuous cough or a high temperature, or has a loss of, or change in, their normal sense of taste or smell (anosmia), they should be sent home and advised to follow the COVID-19: guidance for households with possible coronavirus (COVID-19) infection guidance. * The parents will be advised to to keep children in consistent groups, as far as possible. * When singing inside the doors and windows will be opened to improve ventilation. Inside, the room is large with high ceilings to enable the dilution of aerosol transmission. We will singing in side to side positioning in a large circle. * The children are asked to limit the amount of equipment they bring into the setting. Only slippers, wellies and waterproof and outdoor clothing. * The teacher will ensure a staggered toilet time to limit the number of children using the toilet at any one time. * The teacher or parent will promote and support the child to good hand hygiene and encourage all children to wash their hands thoroughly, with soap and running water for 20 seconds, after using toilet facilities. * Kitchen t-towels and dishcloths will be washed after each session. Response to any infection 1. To engage with the NHS Test and Trace process. 2. To manage confirmed cases of coronavirus (COVID-19) amongst the out-of-school settings community. 3. To contain any outbreak by following local health protection team advice. By Lorna Hendley 08/10/20 Reviewed and updated 20/9/21
Learning aims
Aim 1
To develop appreciation of the seasons.
Aim 3
To have appropriate social etiquette in various moments.
Aim 5
To learn new songs and rhymes.
Aim 2
To engage in creative play.
Aim 4
To participate in group activities and seasonal craft.
Pricing information
Ticket nameStandard
InformationPlease choose concession for a sibling discount. Siblings under 18mts are free.
Ticket nameConcession
InformationPlease select concession for the second child sibling discount.
Where we'll be
Beaconsfield Road, Chelwood Gate Village Hall, Chelwood Gate, East Sussex, RH17 7LG
Basic DBS
Risk Assessment
Public Liability Insurance
Safeguarding Training
First Aid Training
First Aid Kit
Smoke Detector

Please note

Please note, it is the responsibility of the booker to satisfy themselves about the adequacy of the safety measures. This platform is merely an introducer and does not verify the items listed here.

Cancellation Policy
No refunds are given except in the case of a cancellation by the Mentor.Due to the current Covid situation..... if you have to miss more than two sessions due to extended illness or if you have to self isolate and thus are unable to attend the sessions..... any paid sessions can be credited to future sessions.

My experience consists of a leisure activity, on a specific date(s), and therefore the 14-day ‘cooling off period’ under the Consumer Contracts Regulations 2013 does not apply.

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