Holistic Baby & Childcare Taster Mornings

Mentored by

Dorothy Marlen

Location address: Rudolf Steiner House, London
Chosen age group:

Ages: 18+ years

Available tickets:
Standard £1
Next date: None - Register your interest
If you are interested our NCFE CACHE Level 3 Diploma in Holistic Baby and Child Care (Early Years Educator) course and would like a first hand insight as to what to expect, we warmly invite you to join us on one of our Introductory Mornings.  These mornings are designed to give you an overview of the course, a chance to meet and speak with our core teachers and to experience some of things you can expect to learn on the course. _________________________________________________ About the Holistic Baby & Childcare Diploma Course: This groundbreaking course is designed to enable you to care confidently for children and support parents in a holistic and respectful way. Led by Dorothy Marlen with Sam Greshoff and a team of experienced and passionate tutors, this pioneering course offers an exciting journey of self-development and self reflection, providing a whole range of skills over and above a normal level 3 qualification. The programme covers the development, care and learning needs of children up to five years old, with an emphasis on the crucial first three years. Ideal for: Parent and child group leaders Child-minders Nursery teachers Kindergarten assistants Play group leaders Parenting course leaders Carers of children up to 3 yrs old The course is part-time and takes place over 14 months with monthly Saturday and Sunday courses at Rudolf Steiner House, London and one 4-day residentials at Emerson College, Sussex. I felt really lucky to have done this course. I felt we were taught the very most up-to-date and relevant possibilities for working with young children and parents. I feel a whole new world has opened up to me..." A. Berkson ( 2018 Student) ______________________________________________ Our introductory mornings are FREE we only ask that you pay a £1 booking fee to secure your place. To book simply click the booking button under the session you would like to join us for and follow the instructions. (The list of sessions is found in the top box on the right hand side). If you have any trouble using the online booking or would like more information about the sessions please contact Dorothy via the messenger or Tel: 01904 612683, Email dorothy@dorothymarlen.net
About your mentor
Dorothy Marlen
When your mentor provides a strapline it will go here
Dorothy Marlen Dorothy is an Early Childhood Expert, Teacher, Mentor and Counsellor with over 20 years’ experience of working with parents and carers of very young children. She is the course leader of the Holistic Baby and Child Care (EYE)* at Emerson College UK and the author of The Parent and Child Group Handbook published by Hawthorn Press and articles on Holistic Childcare for many journals and magazines. She originally trained as a Steiner Early Years teacher and then went on to study the Pikler approach at the Pikler Institute in Budapest, at Resources for Infant Educarers in the USA, and in Psychoanalytic Child Observation at the Northern School of Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy. These trainings helped to bring new depth and sensitivity to her understanding of the needs of the very young child. From 2012-2014 Dorothy organised the first European Pikler Associated accredited Pikler Basic and advanced practice guidances courses in the UK and has co-founded the Pikler UK Association of which she is chair person. She is also the national Birth to Three representative on the Steiner Waldorf Early Years Steering group and chair of the Steiner Birth to Three working group. She offers consultancy to mainstream baby and infant rooms as well as in Steiner/Waldorf birth to three care settings. -------------------------- Sam Greshoff She began her involvement in Early Years Education and Care setting up and working in Steiner Waldorf Parent and Child Groups in London and later in Canterbury. This has led to her ongoing interest in working with young children and their parents. She has represented Parent and Child Group Leaders on the Steiner Waldorf Early Years Group for many years and has been involved in leading workshops and conferences for professionals working with young children and their families, she also writes regularly for the Kindling Journal on this subject. She completed the London Steiner Waldorf Early Childhood Studies and became a Kindergarten Teacher at Canterbury Steiner School. To deepen this work and her understanding of young children’s development and needs she undertook the European Accredited Pikler Basic Training and then the European Accredited Pikler Practice Guidance Training between 2012 - 2014.
Learning aims
Aim 1
Learn how to care for babies and children up to five years old, with an emphasis on the crucial first three years
Aim 3
Gain confidence to create “home from home” and outdoor settings which respect the young child’s need for warm relationships, a calm and rhythmical day and lots of play.
Aim 5
Gain a level 3 qualification in Holistic Baby & Childcare.
Aim 2
Gain the depth of understanding and practical foundation for needed to work with children in Steiner settings and mainstream
Aim 4
Learn tools for working with and supporting parents.
Pricing information
Ticket nameStandard
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Where we'll be
Rudolf Steiner House, 35 Park Road, London, UK, NW1 6XT
Risk Assessment
Public Liability Insurance
Safeguarding Training
First Aid Training
First Aid Kit
Smoke Detector

Please note

Please note, it is the responsibility of the booker to satisfy themselves about the adequacy of the safety measures. This platform is merely an introducer and does not verify the items listed here.

Cancellation Policy
No refunds are given except in the case of a cancellation by the Mentor.This taster mornings are FREE of charge.

My experience is an educational activity and the 14-day cooling-off period under the Consumer Contracts Regulations 2013 therefore applies. After the 14 day period my standard policy will apply.

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