Play and Food at Hastings AP

Adventure Playground-meeting the need to play

Location address: Hastings Adventure Playground, Hastings
Chosen age group:

Ages: 8 - 17 years

Available tickets:
FREE HAF Ticket Free
Next date: None - Register your interest
Funded by East Sussex County Council
Universal holiday club
What we'll do
Set up to primarily meet the play needs of children living in the Tressell and Baird wards of Hastings, we will provide a quality play setting offering a variety of play opportunities. The Adventure Playground provides a range of resources to encourage the children to extend and direct their own play to the fullest. Playworkers are on hand to support and facilitate their play as well as being a flexible resource themselves. The children have access to a fully fenced wooded outside area, which extends their play environment. We have a variety of resources, which the children can use in their play. There is a zip wire and embankment slide, outside table tennis table, places to jump and climb and places to hide and explore the natural environment. Children will be using real tools, have access to the fire pit and being around the site which has an abundance of trees, places to hide, things to move around. The inside space will offer craft activities, and other creative opportunities. Children will have the opportunity to help to prepare their own lunch using the inside kitchen space, the outside pizza oven and fire cooking area. Do note that in the winter the Adventure Playground can still be very wet and muddy, and whilst the building does have heating it never gets really warm. Please ensure children are wearing appropriate and warm clothing. ***This activity has been funded through the Department for Education’s (DfE) Holiday Activity and Food (HAF) programme and coordinated by East Sussex County Council. Fully funded places are available for young people eligible for benefits-related free school meals. This eligibility criteria has been defined by the DfE. Additionally young people in several other target cohorts can attend funded places, such as those with SEND or Looked After Children (LAC). Please note, eligibility will be confirmed as part of the booking process.***
send accessibility checklist
1:1 care
2:1 care
Qualified to administer medication
Epilepsy trained
Accessible toilet
Assist with personal care and toileting
Hoist and changing bench
Makaton and PECS trained
Sensory break area
Quiet spaces
Secure environment
Disability communication skills
More information available on request
Contact the Mentor to discuss your specific needs regarding this list item.
Please note:
It is the responsibility of the booker to satisfy themselves about the adequacy of the the measures provided above. This platform is merely an introducer and does not verify the items listed.
About your mentors
In2play is an independent community interest company based in Hastings, East Sussex, established to deliver community benefit in 2006. We have managed the Hastings Adventure Playground site since it opened in 2010. As well as housing our Ofsted outstanding rated pre-school the site currently provides HAF sessions and free out-of-school play provision for children aged 8 to 17 years, 2 nights a week and family days on Saturday mornings. Locally In2play also provide a number of other services including street play and community play provision, Family drop In's and we have recently opened a second pre school site at Sydney Close and we now run HAF sessions at this venue too. Over our 19 years of service what we deliver has consistently been drawn from community need . We respond using local knowledge and lived experience from across our director board, staffing team and our with the trust and support of our local families.
I am a playworker and manage the Adventure Playground
Been working with children for 52 years and am firmly committed to the child's need and right to play. And by play, I mean children doing what children do when not being told what to do by an adult. Play that is freely chosen, personally directed and intrinsically motivated.
East Sussex County Council HAF Team
ESCC staff will run this provision
Playing in all Weathers Someone once said, “There’s no such thing as bad weather, just inappropriate clothing!” The children will be playing outside, whatever the weather, so please make sure they have appropriate clothing and footwear, which means if it is raining they are likely to get wet. We will encourage everyone to wear their coats, but they may choose not to. You are welcome to bring along spare clothes and footwear. Children leaving the playground Children are free to come and go from the playground throughout the time we are open. They may leave alone or with friends. The parent/caregiver needs to make their own clear arrangements with their child about when and how they leave the playground and if the parent/caregiver wants the child to wait for them to come and go home with them the child needs to understand that. Getting Messy Some of the activities that children choose to do at the playground will be messy. Therefore we recommend that the children wear a set of play clothes they don’t mind getting dirty or messy. However, no activities are compulsory and there are always non-messy opportunities. However, the playground is a large outdoor woodland space! First Aid It is important to realise that at times when children are playing “playground accidents” can happen and children get hurt. We have staff that are trained in administering first aid. If your child is involved in an accident, we will write it up on an accident form and ask you to read it and then sign it. If your child requires hospital treatment we will contact you immediately. Child Protection/Safeguarding Children We take our responsibility for children’s welfare and protection seriously. All staff are either qualified or working towards qualifying in safeguarding issues, recognising signs of child abuse as well as making referrals regarding child abuse to the local teams. We also have a full safeguarding policy in operation. (Please ask a member of staff if you would like a copy). All of our staff working directly or indirectly with children at the playground have undertaken DBS checks Policies and Procedures We have a full policy document, which is available for anyone to read or ask a member of staff if you would like a copy. Photographs/video We shall be using video cameras and still cameras at the Playground. in2pla,y our partners and funders may use the images on websites and social media pots; for newsletters, our scrapbook or on notice boards. The images may also be used for publicity or in news items to promote the playground. We will also be delivering training and seminars and may at times use video and pictures from the playground to demonstrate what a play setting is. We always check with the children before taking pictures and videos but we also require your consent. There is a space on our registration form for you to give permission for this. Even if you say yes, it is still our policy to check with each individual if they are okay with it at the time the images are taken.
Learning aim
Aim 1
We aim to provide a setting which reflects the Playwork Principles. Therefore, the playground is a place where children can be themselves and can play freely in ways of their own choosing. We recognise that this is a children’s space and we try to ensure that the children play how they want to. We recognise that play is a freely chosen, personally directed behaviour that is motivated from within. We support the children’s opportunity to choose and create their play by providing a range of materials and ideas to inspire and challenge. The team of playworkers try not to control the choices or direction of the children’s play, whilst also recognising that one person’s play should not be to the detriment of another person’s. Sometimes we might not like what the children may be doing, but we still have to respect their right to do it! As this is a children’s space, they will be constantly involved in developing the culture of the playground, therefore helping to create a positive atmosphere for all to enjoy.
Way of being
Thinking about, understanding and responding to children’s ‘way of being’ policy for Hastings Adventure Playground ( HAP) At the playground we want to ensure that staff are aware of and trained in the appropriate use of interventions where what children are doing becomes an issue. This will involve staff in observing and reflecting on children’s way of being to distinguish between what is playing and what is not. This may result in staff deciding that immediate intervention is not appropriate and thus allow children the opportunity to develop the skills necessary to deal with and resolve any problems with what they are doing or conflict with others, for themselves in line with accepted playwork practice. Staff will create a positive and welcoming atmosphere on the playground and always be approachable. At HAP we aim to: • Encourage children to respect and care for their physical environment • Enable children to gain the skills to resolve conflicts for themselves • Provide a framework for staff to use to ensure consistency in the ways they support children • Enable everyone to develop a sense of caring and respect for others and build caring and co-operative relationships with others • Help children develop a range of social skills and learn what constitutes acceptable behaviour in different environments • Support children to develop confidence, self-discipline and self-esteem in an atmosphere of mutual respect and encouragement Playground staff will intervene when children’s way of being becomes unacceptable or a child is feeling threatened and unsafe at the playground. What we consider unacceptable includes fighting [but not fighting that is part of play]; bullying (physical, emotional or verbal); racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic and other oppressive behaviours and attitudes; abusive and threatening behaviour; vandalism and theft. We will also intervene when children are causing harm to others or themselves or likely to do so. Staff will communicate in a clear, calm and constructive manner with any children who raise concerns. Where necessary, staff will encourage and facilitate mediation between children to try and help them discuss and resolve their issues. Children who experience or witness bullying or other oppressive and prejudicial behaviours will be supported and helped in a way that is suitable for that child. In the event that the unacceptable way of being does not stop, more serious action may have to be taken and the playground may contact the child’s parent/caregiver to discuss with them what is happening and, as a last resort, the child will be asked to leave the setting – this may be for an agreed length of time or until certain actions have been completed. In instances where damage has been done, either to another child or to equipment and the premises, the child will be asked to make reparation before they can return. Reparation is the process of making amends for what someone has done wrong. It is more than just saying ‘sorry’ and requires the person who has done the wrong to recognise what they have done and to find out what they have to do to ‘make things right’ for the victim. This will require a dialogue with the victim [and their family] to find out what they will consider to be sufficient. Reparation takes an active engagement and is therefore not an easy process. The victim may not want to engage initially, especially if they think it will be physically or emotionally unsafe for them to do so. Playworkers try to intervene in what the children are doing as little as possible and when they do, they take a ‘minimum intervention, maximum response’ approach.Playworker intervention is supported by playwork theory and our underlying principles.
Pricing information
Ticket nameFREE HAF Ticket
Play and Food  at Hastings AP - image 1
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Where we'll be
Hastings Adventure Playground, Upper Broomgrove Road, Hastings, East Sussex, TN34 3FW
Enhanced DBS
Risk Assessment
Public Liability Insurance
Safeguarding Training
First Aid Training
First Aid Kit
Smoke Detector

Please note

Please note, it is the responsibility of the booker to satisfy themselves about the adequacy of the safety measures. This platform is merely an introducer and does not verify the items listed here.

Cancellation Policy
Free bookings do not require refunds but as places are limited, please cancel if you cannot attend so that your place can be offered to someone else.

My experience consists of a leisure activity, on a specific date(s), and therefore the 14-day ‘cooling off period’ under the Consumer Contracts Regulations 2013 does not apply.

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