This event runs over one whole weekend, from 6pm on the Friday to 4pm on the Sunday.
It's a third version of Feral Fathers. There is the one with just Sons, the one with just Daughters, and this one can have Either or Both, because sometimes there's no reason to divide people up that way.
Make a den with your dad. Sleep in the den with your dad... Make fire. Make a fire outside your den. Use sharp knives next to the fire outside your den. Hunt your dad in the night. Make traps. Get messy. Play games. All of it, with your dad (or uncle, godfather etc).
This weekend packs in everything dads and their kids really want to do with each other, but often don't get the chance or the excuse.
In a beautiful piece of woodland and in a lively village atmosphere, we blend bushcraft, survival and the art of mucking around into a thread of activities that are very achievable and a lot of fun. As a big friendly tribe, we shall cook and eat together, make friends, learn skills, tell fireside stories and have rip-roaring adventures together, just like dads and kids have for thousands of years.
Visit www.chrispacke.com for more information.
Children must be accompanied by an adult male guardian and the adult must book themselves onto the experience.
Father (Adult ticket) pays £275
Sons and / or daughters (Child ticket) pay £75 each
Therefore the cost of one child and one dad booking will be £350; one dad and two children is £425.
Mums: you are very often the gateway to this experience happening it makes a smashing gift... and then you can go off by yourself and do something nice.
**Don't forget there is also a weekend just for sons and another just for daughters Find these listings on Eequ, or get in touch with Chris**
N.B. The activities on this camp are suitable for boys aged 8yrs and older. We will provide evening meals and simple breakfasts as well as teas and coffee, but you will need to bring food for 2 lunches (either packed lunches, or can cook on the fire).
Bookings on this event are subject to Chris Packe's Terms and Conditions, available to view during the booking process.
You'll find useful resources on my website, www.chrispacke.com.
Some testimonialsPlenty of feedback from years of Feral Fathers weekends... take your pick!
My daughter and I had a magical time creating lifetime memories and bonding on a level I am not sure it is really possible to do in our everyday lives. It feels like we were away for a week, it was quite strange re-entering civilisation. You strike a wonderful balance between creating a hugely exciting and mind broadening experience for the children (and Dads) whilst also giving them an education on some genuine life skills. Never again will I tell Ellie to be careful with a sharp knife in the kitchen! David, 2022
There are now furious debates in my house between my children as to who gets to go next year! Deri, 2022
My son asked me on the first evening when we were going to bed - "Can we do this again next year?" - we had only been there 4 hours. And on the Sunday evening he was wolf howling in his sleep. It was one of the best times he's ever had, and talks about it often, many months later - highly recommended. Stephen, 2019
This weekend with my daughter was one of the most valuable things I think I'll ever do with her. I learnt so much about her that I don't think I would've learnt any other way and the time we spent together felt like some of the most precious time we will ever spend together. Rick, 2019
Can you put a price on strengthening your relationship with you children? I believe you can’t. Chris organised a truly memorable experience for both myself and my daughter. My daughter was in tears when we had to leave the woods. Charlie, 2019
It was an absolutely outstanding weekend in all aspects, we learnt how to build shelters to sleep in and we did! We whittled and made our own utensils, we played great fun games in the forest, we had music and stories around the fire, it was truly amazing. Chris was absolutely fantastic he really knows his stuff also he’s a great communicator not only with the children but with everybody in the whole group. I 100% recommend this for any father and son to have a great weekend together. Howard, 2019
In a word: terrific! Chris was the perfect host, always enthusiastic, incredibly personable - a hit with the young kids and adult kids alike... This is clearly not "just a job" for them, their passion shone throughout the three days. [My son] couldn't have been happier. He was desperately upset to have to leave... he loved his adventure. He still talks about it, and would love to do it all again. Jason, 2019
Chris was on very fine form - even better than last year. His way of 'controlling' by giving us complete freedom to do what we want was brilliant. The weekend made me realise how far both [my son] and I have come in a year, and there's a very real possibility that we'll be back again. Colin, 2019
[My son] had a number of firsts during the weekend which was wonderful to see. What we really enjoyed the most was the freedom of the camp, albeit with initial guidance from Chris and the team, and the way the program for the weekend was completely flexible. I wouldn't change this method for the world as it felt so much more inclusive. James, 2018
We all had an amazing time at the weekend it was very well structured and lots of fun. I highly rated Chris who was able to keep the group together and was brilliant at story telling. Paul, 2018
[My son] had a wonderful time at the camp. Chris is a thoughtful and hardworking leader with a rare gift for understanding and working with children. Alys, 2018
I was particularly impressed with Chris's skills with the young boys: always trying to meet their requests, always listening and guiding them carefully, and especially the care in which he was able to correct problems that needed to be addressed without turning off the child. This is a rare skill in my view and I hope Chris continues to share this gift with young boys. Jonathan P, 2017
I would like to comment that the success of the weekend is in large part down to Chris as a leader who really involves everyone and makes it a great experience. Jonathan H, 2017