Experiential Buddhist Kindergarten Teacher Training
Mentored by
Abiding Heart
Location address: Chhaktole Height, Swaembhu
Chosen age group:
Ages: 18+ years
Available tickets:
Standard £2725
Next date: None - Register your interest
Experiential Buddhist Kindergarten Teacher Training
Mentored by
Abiding Heart
Location address: Chhaktole Height, Swaembhu
Chosen age group:
Ages: 18+ years
Available tickets:
Standard £2725
Next date: None - Register your interest
Experiential Buddhist Kindergarten Teacher Training
Mentored by
Abiding Heart
Location address: Chhaktole Height, Swaembhu
Chosen age group:
Ages: 18+ years
Available tickets:
Standard £2725
Next date: None - Register your interest
Experiential Buddhist Kindergarten Educational Training
3 January 2020 - 3 December 2021
2-year full-time course
Masters Degree or Diploma Certification
Taught by international professors and leading experts.
**We are now offering 3 fully paid scholarships for our Masters degree programme.** - Please contact us for further details.
Letting our mind rest, our hands create and our hearts rejoice is at the core of Abiding Hearts kindergarten teacher training course. It is also about reconnecting our trainees with the magic and wonder of childhood, the same sense of wonder that nurtures young children! In this Kindergarten Teacher Training course, we use Abiding Hearts unique experiential Buddhist approach to learning which brings together the Buddhist view, meditation and everyday application with the Waldorf/Steiner Education framework. A special intention of this programme is to nourish trainees through offering a philosophical, contemplative, meditative, psychological, artistic, nature-filled and practical foundation for teaching kindergarten age children. Child development and curriculum studies are interwoven and firmly rest on the Buddhist paradigm with experiential arts used as aids for self-transformation, and to this end, Buddhist Himalayan arts are integrated in each aspect of the training. The aim of this course is for trainees to gain a good balance of theory and practical knowledge in teaching in a kindergarten along with their continuing inner development.
The course follows the Abiding Heart Education Experiential Buddhist approach to learning and includes the following aspects: Inner development of the teacher through experiential Buddhist foundation studies; Child development embedded within a Buddhist understanding of human development, holistic child Development, and classical developmental psychology informed by research in neuroscience; The kindergarten curriculum and teaching practice; Artistic and handwork activities appropriate to early childhood education; Holistic organisation, management and social aspects of running a kindergarten.
One of our main aspirations through training kindergarten teachers at Abiding Heart is to protect the joy and wonder of childhood and thereby nurture the young child's all-round well-being.
Both the programme content and faculty are of the highest standard and this course is intended for those interested in taking leadership roles in early childhood education in their schools.
Course Length
Two years full-time divided into four semesters. Each semester includes an average of 15 weeks of teaching and learning with 400- 560 hours of lectures and 2-4 weeks of school placements.
Timetable: Monday to Friday from 8am to 5.30pm.
Course content and Academic Calendar
Semester 1:
Winter/Spring Semester: 3 January to 8 May 2020
Foundation in Experiential Buddhist Studies
- Philosophy: Three Yanas, and Buddhist Foundation of Human Development
- Experiential Buddhism (Meditation) and Understanding Buddhist Chants and Rituals
- Himalayan Arts (Charya dance, Thangka Painting, Stone Carving)
- Transformative Arts (Clay Sculptures, Drawing, Singing, Speech or Storytelling)
- Yoga, Movement and Games
- Music and Singing
3 January---Registration
4-9 January---Induction
12 January---Semester begins
12 January 20 March---Buddhist Foundation Studies
22 - 24 February---Losar Holiday
10 March---Holi Holiday
23 March - 27 March---Reading Week
30 March - 8 May---Buddhist Foundation Studies
13 April---Nepali New Year Holiday
8 May---End of Semester
Please Note: Sundays are reading and assignment days
Semester 2:
Summer/Autumn Semester: 6 July to December 4, 2020
The Buddhist view of Human Development and Child development.
The philosophical foundation of Abiding Hearts experiential Buddhist learning for early childhood is explored through an in-depth study of the development of individual human consciousness that is reflected in the kindergarten curriculum to support the child at each stage. This section includes study of:
- Holistic child development: Early Childhood, Middle Childhood and Adolescence (physical, socio-emotional, cognitive and spiritual) from birth to age 21. This includes Buddhist psychology, Steinerian psychology, developmental psychology, and neuroscience, child observation and safeguarding children as well as continue linking with other disciplines;
- Embryology (from Buddhist, physiological, neuroscience and Steinerian perspectives;
- Play in Early Childhood: creative play and healthy discovery activities provide the basis for emotional well-being, resilience, self-esteem, social responsibility, enthusiastic learning, and spiritual growth;
- Developmental psychology;
- Developmental neuroscience;
- Learning Theories (includes Buddhist learning methodology, and complementary contemporary learning theories, such as, Steiner/Waldorf Education, Howard Gardeners Multiple Intelligences, Transformative Learning, and Integrated Learning);
- Physiology and ecology of the senses;
- Sociological aspects of education (understanding - - Temperaments; 5 Buddha families personalities)
- Introduction to observation and observation exercises;
- Child observation, child study, conducting assessments and writing reports;
- Safeguarding children;
- Natural childhood - protecting and nourishing the childs life forces and senses;
- Health and nutrition.
1 July---Registration
2-3 July---Induction for new students for new semester
6 July---Semester begins
6 July 21 August---Child Development
24-28 August---Tij Holiday and Reading Week
31 August -25 September---Kindergarten Curriculum Studies
28 September 16 October---School Placement
19 October 20 November---Dashain and Tihar Holiday and Reading Week
23 November - 4 December---Kindergarten Curriculum Studies
4 December---End of Semester
Please Note: Sundays are reading and assignment days
Semester 3: Winter/Spring Semester: 3 January to 7 May 2021.
3 January---Registration
4-5 January---Induction
6 January---Semester begins
6 January 2 April---Kindergarten Curriculum Studies
12-15 February---Losar Holiday
29 March---Holi Holiday
5 April 30 April---School Placement
3 May 14 May---Curriculum Studies
14 May---End of Semester
Semester 4:
Summer/ Autumn Term: 5 July to 10 December 2021
Curriculum studies:
- Early childhood education and the kindergarten curriculum overview;
- Kindergarten curriculum: Daily rhythm, weekly rhythm, yearly rhythm
- Development of the will, movement, language and thinking in early childhood. The relationship between movement and the understanding of space
- Deepening child observation and practice for early childhood;
- Understanding the young childs learning processes and the role of imitation and play;
- Painting and drawing with children: understanding of colour
- Dolls and the self
- The role of the teacher
- Joy of Living 1 and 2 (meditation) for young children
- Buddhist Contemplative education for young children
- Buddhist Rituals, chants and offerings with young children
- Celebrating the seasons and festivals
- Creating a nature corner
- Understanding Language: the art of storytelling, childrens poetry and puppetry (stand up, marionettes, shadow and apron puppetry)
- Circle time: learning through ring games, verses, poems, songs, and movement for young children
- Arts and crafts activities with children: modelling, modelling, painting, drawing, sewing, carving, felting, finger knitting, paper craft and more
- Toy making & resources for the kindergarten: sewing dolls, puppets, apron stories, stuffed animals, sandbags, puppets; knitting and crocheting toys; and carving wooden toys; spinning and weaving; natural dying and more
- Understanding of Sound: music and singing with young children and learning to play musical instruments
- Class One readiness/Transition from kindergarten to primary school entrance
- Teaching mathematics, writing and reading: Introducing letters and number
- Teaching languages in a trilingual classroom
- Inter-cultural education
- Behaviour management in the kindergarten
- Remedial education and remedial games
- Health and nutrition
- Creating the kindergarten classroom & playground environment
- Holistic kindergarten organisation and management; Working with colleagues
- Working with parents - community building
- Short term and long term lessons plans: Daily rhythm, weekly rhythm, yearly rhythm
- Child study, child assessment, writing assessments, evaluations and year end reports
- Practicum: a placement in a local rural kindergarten
2 July---Registration
3-4 July---Induction for new students
5 July---Semester begins
5 July 27 August---Kindergarten Curriculum Studies
30 August to 3 September---Teej Holiday and Reading Week
6 24 September---Kindergarten Curriculum Studies
27 September 15 October---School Placement
18 October -12 November---Dashain and Tihar Holiday
15 November 3 December---Kindergarten Curriculum Studies
29 November 10 December---Kindergarten Curriculum Studies and Handing in Assignments
10 December---End of Semester and Course
The Course Experience
This is an onsite course, with obligatory attendance, held over two years and each of the four semesters consisting of fifteen weeks of classes and two to four weeks of school placements. By blending practicum in local rural kindergartens with lectures and art classes on the Abiding Heart campus, each experience enriches the other; coursework, assignments and projects support and deepen trainees teaching experience with children while their work with young children expands and informs their experience as a teacher trainee.
Our core training staff and lecturers are international experts in education, bringing many years of both practical kindergarten classroom experience and as teacher trainers. In addition to our core teaching staff, we regularly bring in adjunct and visiting faculty for further enrichment, providing trainees with a rich and comprehensive teacher training.
In addition, upon completion of the two-year course work the following assignments are required within the designated time frame to complete a masters degree and diploma:
3 months Practicum (applicable for both diploma and masters degree route)
Thesis (for masters degree students): January to December
Student Entry Criteria
Masters Degree route minimum requirements:
Bachelor degree with a grade of C+ or third division.
Diploma route:
A successful completion of 10 +2 (C+) or
A minimum 9 years of Shedra studies.
Admission Process for Kindergarten Teacher Training Course
There is a £120 non-refundable application fee.
Step 1: Submit completed application form; Write biographical sketch; pay admission fee.
Step 2: Complete English proficiency test (minimum grade C).
Step 3: Undergo an interview.
Step 4: Criminal record clearance and physical and mental health certificate.
Step 5: Acceptance upon successful completion of steps 1-4.
Step 6: Pay registration fee and other fees according to course financial plan.
A Kindergarten placement in rural Himalayan regions during and in between semesters will be required to complete the degree.
"Experiential Buddhist Education is a transformational learning process of discovering our inner well-being. The path to this discovery begins with understanding and deepens through direct experience. We then learn to apply our insights in everyday life. This style of learning thus engages the head and the heart, and is expressed by building healthy habits that inform every aspect of our lives. True transformation occurs when our innate qualities of wisdom and compassion are fully expressed, enabling us to care deeply for ourselves, for each other, and for the world. Abiding Heart Education developed and embodies this approach, bringing together contemporary transformational approaches to learning and ancient contemplative principles." Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche
About your mentor
Abiding Heart
When your mentor provides a strapline it will go here
Students will be supported by a range of Teacher Trainers including:
The Very Venerable Mingyur Rinpoche
Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche is a Tibetan teacher and master of the Karma Kagyu and Nyingma lineages of Tibetan Buddhism. He has authored two best-selling books and oversees the Tergar Meditation Community, an international network of Buddhist meditation centres.
Dr. Meyrav Mor
Khenpo Sonam Tsewang
Professor Stephen Gough
Tsunma Kunsang Palmo
Adam Kane
Daniela Hartman
Dhakpa Lama
Kristin Powers
Sudharshan Suwal
Shanti Tamang
Udaya Tamang
Prajwal Bajracharya
Swaembhu Shakya
Sangita Shakya
Torey Hayden
Gillian David
Ramila Rai
Dr. Richie Davidson
Dr. Marlowe
Dr. Koncha Pinos
Learning aims
Aim 1
To develop a strong foundation in Experiential Buddhist Studies.Aim 3
To develop a deep understanding of the Kindergarten curriculum.Aim 2
To develop a deep understanding of the Buddhist view of Human Development and Child development.Aim 4
To experience a Kindergarten placement in a rural Himalayan region (degree).Pricing information
Ticket namePriceInformation
Where we'll be
Chhaktole Height, Gharkhana Road, Swaembhu, Kathmandu, -
Enhanced DBS
Basic DBS
Risk Assessment
Public Liability Insurance
Safeguarding Training
First Aid Training
First Aid Kit
Smoke Detector
Please note
Please note, it is the responsibility of the booker to satisfy themselves about the adequacy of the safety measures. This platform is merely an introducer and does not verify the items listed here.
Cancellation Policy
No refunds are given except in the case of a cancellation by the Mentor.Your application once received will be reviewed by our core staff, followed by a Skype interview, after which the staff reconvenes to discuss your applicancy. If you need to withdraw from the course the staff will need to discuss any refund according to the individual circumstances.
My experience consists of a leisure activity, on a specific date(s), and therefore the 14-day ‘cooling off period’ under the Consumer Contracts Regulations 2013 does not apply.
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